View Full Version : Kom sa Danmark

Patty O'Furniture
21st May 2006, 01:08
Hello again guys,

I don't know if any of u remember but I wrote in this forum a couple of years ago about converting and Australian CPL/IR to JAA. Now, given that I had finished my ATPL theory it would have been a costly exercise!

Now I have around 1800 total with 350 multi and am looking to convert my ATPL in Denmark if it is possible... I imagine that i would be hard pressed to do so with my addiction to Tuborg and Aalborg Akvavit :O oh! and the jutland girls of course :E SOME OF THE BEST ON THE PLANET!!!

My questions are, are their suitable places in Dk to do so? What sort of cost would it involve? and what sort of job prospects would I hve following the conversion??? I was thinking of North Flying @ Aalborg Lufthavn would be ideal considering i would be living in Vodskov.

My danish is extremely limited until i've had half a bottle of snaps... would this be problem?

Hope u guys can help me!

Patty O

Luke SkyToddler
21st May 2006, 07:35
Can't tell you anything about licence conversion in Denmark in particular, but I can tell you a few things from my simple observation ...

1. The employment scene over there isnt that hot, there are certainly plenty of Danish people at my work / flying for airlines around the UK at present, who'd love to go home but can't seem to get a look in. I'd love to go there too but I doubt I ever will, because ...

2. I know that you are going to be pretty well snookered for job prospects with most of the airlines in that part of the world, unless you can speak at least one of the Scandinavian languages. Back when I was a wannabe I had a Danish mate trying to help me out with some contacts over there but it was always the same thing, if you can't speak the language then b*gger off.

3. You should head across to the pprune Scandinavian forum, the people in there should be able to help you more.

K. Soze
21st May 2006, 19:48
You can try asking the same question on www.pilots.dk


Patty O'Furniture
22nd May 2006, 04:30
I meant to put this in the Nordic Forum...

Anyway of moving it again?

thanks for your help guys, looks like i'll have to start learning the language, easy to understand and read but i'm buggered if i can speak it :}

24th May 2006, 16:35
Denmark and scandinavia are very expensive so would look at other countries.

I have worked for Karlogair and can def NOT recommend it. Loved the flying but the company owners( Kirstine ) are amatuers who are just after money.

Good Luck
