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View Full Version : GA in HK

20th May 2006, 08:41
Maybe before the moderators move this, they can give it just a few hours to breathe.............

I am a JAA PPL (A) with 130 hours and just commenced imc here in the UK. I have lived in Asia on and off since '95 and have just been issued my HK PR.

My question, I will be in HK Tuesday 23 May with a the full day free and would love to get a flight in.

If anyone on the forum keeps a light single in HK and would be prepared to take me up Tuesday, please pm or email [email protected]

Needless to say, I would be happy to cover all costs.

The Wombat

20th May 2006, 13:36
Not sure if these guys can help you...


Happy Flying,

20th May 2006, 14:00
3B's. This seems as good a bet as any. Just sent an email to the CFI. Fingers crossed.


The Wombat

22nd May 2006, 06:27
Plan B - if you can stretch extra time is to hop on a flight (apparently not CR !) to Clarke in the Phils check out one of the flight schools there. A good fun alternate is ACFC.com (do a search). Or you can enjoy the delights of Angeles City itself !

23rd May 2006, 00:35
Cebu in the Philippines also has numerous flying schools (plus great beach resorts) and CX has a daily service to CEB (2+ hours).

23rd May 2006, 10:16
Handy Andy - can you recommend any for GA hire ?
A/c types and a place to stay - with Mrs.



23rd May 2006, 10:35
I guess the only choice (if you want to fly GA in HKG and not anywhere else) would be Hong Kong Aviation club as mentioned by bigbeerbelly...Its very expensive though (at least to me!)
Here is a picture of the GA airport (Sek Kong VHSK)

23rd May 2006, 11:26

I'll see what I can find out tomorrow.

24th May 2006, 01:16

Suggest a squint at this website would help.

GA in Cebu (http://flyersphilippines.com/)

24th May 2006, 05:48
HandyAndy - magic. on yer matey.

Is that the Cessna 140 they pulled out of Manilla Bay ? One used to be at a little airtrip nth of Manilla - I forget the name but there is a flight training school for the Japs there. Apparently someone took it swimming just after they restored it.