View Full Version : Servisair Leaving LPL

papa hotel
16th May 2006, 20:48
Take a look at the servisair web site, no long lenght employee's, no big redundancie pay.

18th May 2006, 16:01
I have been on the servisair website and can not find anything on this story about them pulling out of Liverpool.

Do you have any more info, i have 2 friends that have just been taken n by Servisair and start 22nd May as dispatchers

18th May 2006, 18:36
This must be the biggest rumour ever on this rumour forum!;)

Cheers Buddy
19th May 2006, 12:26
Papa Hotel - I think you should take spelling lessons, I'm sure Redfield will help you out, rumour has it he has an awful lot of time on his hands!!

papa hotel
27th May 2006, 17:05
maybe he would like to fly an airbus, or push back an a/c during the champions league departures whilst being on film.

28th May 2006, 14:20
PH: You wouldn't get me on film, I'm too ugly. Mind you, this must be the first time I've ever agreed with Cheers Buddy about anything: I CAN spell. :ok: