View Full Version : QF CC vs AOPA..a point of order pls!

13th May 2006, 14:54
As a strong supporter of this forum and a follower of Dunnunda, I believe it appropriate to make some comment on what we are seeing in another thread at the present time, and if in fact it is setting a precedent contrary to the decisions of the Dunnunda moderators in the past.

"QF Cabin Crew Discussions" came to this arena from the "Cabin Crew" forum because they were banned there - the specific reasons I don't know, but I can understand the moderators concerns after following that thread for a while.

The same dribble shall I say seems to be continuing in their new thread on Dunnunda, causing one poster to say:
Have you lot ever wondered why you were kicked off the Cabin Crew Forum?

Tonight Woomera raised his gavel and hit the bench in what I see as attempt to bring the posters on that forum into line so to speak.

I agree 100% with Woomera in his comments. Although of limited interest to "outsiders" the dribble and petty barb throwing is a sad indictment on the QF Cabin Crew as a whole, even tho' the posters from that group are very limited and to be honest are either stirring the pot or sadly in the misbelief that they are contributing to an enhancement of their lot.

I cannot help but compare this thread with those that occurred under the AOPA banner (in various forms) over the past year which at the end of the day had them banned from this forum. As an professional aviator for 40+ years and an a/c owner for 30+ I was one of many that was saddened by the fall of AOPA from a responsible and respected representative body to one driven by ego's and self interest. After 40 years a member I walked away just shaking my head. Their own forum dominated by a handful of the vocal minority and little or no interest in alternative views. Tragic! Pprune however for a short time did provide a relatively good forum for those with an interest in AOPA and their well being. Sadly again it was torpedoed by the vocal minority and shall I say those driven by ego and their own importance.

Woomera! I respectfully suggest that you and your fellows have a round table on the use of this forum by shall I say "special interest groups". Far be it for me to tell you how to suck eggs but in aviation, standardisation is a big thing and perhaps it is something that should be applied in Dunnunda as well.

The options perhaps are two: Put the lock on the QF CC thread and send them elsewhere (??) or review your ban on the use of Pprune by GA persons with or without an affiliation with or about AOPA(Australia). I am very conscience of the workload these type of forums seem to generate for the various Woomera and would understand the use of the gavel in a strick manner on such threads.

It serves nobody when the content is poor, pointed or with personalities involved.

Thanks for your time and keep up the good work


14th May 2006, 00:01
Everything said by TRIADIC above and then I double it.

It is indeed unfortunate that venile 'petty self interest' groups have detracted from PPRuNe over the recent past. I am fortunate to know a number of the 'Woomeri" personally and find it to their credit that they maintain a pretty level playing field in D&G. Something very lacking in other areas of this BB.

As one who is fully supportive of 'standards' I too regret there is a lack of same, more especially outside of D&G. In fact I have been banned by other Forum custodians for suggesting not only standardisation but heaven forbid, a bit of consistency. The 'take it or leave it' attitude may be appropriate in some cultures, it is though seriously questioned in others.

In the moderation stakes, the Woomeri lead the rest of this BB by the proverbial mile.

I appreciate their (collective) oversight and input and the time they commit to our 'pleasure':D

Do not lie, steal or cheat, the government hates the competition. :=

14th May 2006, 01:06
I was to understand that things AOPA were off limits as every time they start people threaten to sue eachother and they (woomera) wanted to head it off before it begins.

PPRuNe Towers
14th May 2006, 06:20
I think you are understimating the Woomera team:

The regulars here have undergone years of patient computer based training to get across the message on conduct here. No legal threats and letters from this neck of the woods for a year now. Prior to that 90% of the total we receive.

Rope was paid out and then the warning given. 2 or 3 entire pages of the thread disappearing due to posts being content free, off topic or simply a bitchfest will get the message across as a fairly terse follow up step. That, and the fact that there is nowhere else on this site for them to go without payment, will concentrate minds.

The woomeras are part way through the process of providing a period of intense house training with no excuses of cultural misunderstanding or envy. Therefore no way out of doing it our way or being kicked off the site. There is, and has never been, no shortage of much smaller sites that would welcome the traffic with open arms and deal with the baleful consequences later.


14th May 2006, 08:52
I too am upset with how QF group cabin crew are being percieved by other pprune users from the actions of just a few. However....since the moderators in the cabin crew forum 'chucked in the towel' on handling these 'few', they have also decided to punish the rest of the QF group, and after booting the QF cabin crew thread across to the dunnunda forum they then also closed down the Australian Airlines thread ( I might add at a very critical time in our careers where we need a forum like this ), QFUK thread and Jetconnect thread.

How is this fair ? We now have nowhere to discuss our issues because we have now all been tarred with the same brush ( we are not mainline crew) even though our employers (jetconnect,qfuk,AO,MAM) are all different. I now refuse to visit the cabin crew area of this website and participate in other cabin crew discussions because of the treatment directed to aussies in particular in the cabin crew forum.

If pprune want the traffic to support their advertisers then please reconsider housing the QF CC thread and other threads for QF subsidiaries ( AO,MAM,QFUK) in the CABIN CREW forum where they belong.

Kind Regards

PPRuNe Towers
14th May 2006, 16:17

Advertisers support PPRuNe and not the other way around. Any doubt read the threads on Ryan and Easy, our two biggest advertisers. While being our biggest, Ryanair, through their lawyers, repeatedly threaten legal action. Such threats are ongoing at the moment. Interested readers will find the present situation detailed here:


It is, without doubt, a long thread but, in the light of the constant concerns expressed on this forum regarding the industry, a very important one to read in full.

The argument above about a few bad eggs is specious tosh. Every ppruner has an ignore button and a brain. It's last chance saloon, there are thousands of other sites you can use and setting up your own is free, as is a mail list.

You will note our CC forum thunders on regardless of you being there. The woomeras know this and they also know that the moment our volunteer mods have had enough of any individual or group they are gone.

Regards again,

15th May 2006, 02:07
I am not confident that things will change. Not while Therefore no way out of doing it our way or being kicked off the site continues to be 'policy'. There is no point in discussing whether the policy is correct/appropriate or not as it is not negotiable. Fortunately, similar 'policy' has little favour in the rest of the world, but, if we want to play with this particular 'trainset' then we are stuck with whatever rules are dreamed up.

I eagerly look forward to the results of the mooted intense house trainingof the Woomeri, that should go a long way the making them a bit more socially acceptable, especially at the annual Brisbash.

I am fully house trained:ok: