View Full Version : Diabetes and PPL(H) in UK

9th May 2006, 16:09
Hi all, I know the forum is really for professional pilots but I'm hoping someone might have come across this before;

With a CAA licence, if you've got insulin dependant diabetes then you can't fly a Helicopter without a Safety Pilot (?).

1) So, if this is right, if i'm going to follow the required training programme, can I actually do the 10 hour solo bit, or can this only be done with a (hands-off) safety pilot?

2) Can you actually get a 'conditional' PPL(H) - i.e. with a condition that says 'you can only fly with a Safety Pilot'?

3) And if you can, can the safety pilot be just type rated or does it need to be an Instructor?

I'm sure I'm not the first insulin dependant diabetic to want to do PPL(H) and I've e-mailled the CAA licensing guys, but currently waiting on their response. My school isn't too sure. Have any Instructors or anyone else come across this before?

One school of thought discussed on another board is to fly in the Uk with a FAA licence.

I've done a couple of hours of training so far, but I'm kinda in limbo at the moment as my queries are fairly fundamental.

I've posted it on the medical forum as well, but I guessed more heli instructors would look at this one.
Any thoughts or knowledge very much appreciated. Many Thanks