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9th May 2006, 10:19
Hmm, I know no advertising, but the review comments make this looks like it might be worth buying. :)

Live at the Sand Trap (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00018J7GO/ref=ase_threefournineA/002-9290889-3296820?) Fighter Pilot songs from Dos Gringos..

1. World War III
2. 2's Blind
3. I Dropped the Bomb
4. Jeremiah Weed
5. Predator Eulogy
6. I'm a Pilot
7. JDAM Blues
8. Last of the Breed
9. The Bitch Spent All My Money
10. The Wingmen
11. The Hound War Song
12. Last Song on the CD?

.....The credibility of "Live at the Sand Trap" is topline; it was written, produced, and recorded by Chris "Snooze" Kurek and Rob "Trip" Raymond, two U. S. Air Force F-16 Viper jet fighter pilots who braved Saddam Hussein's antiaircraft artillery and missile fire in the war torn Iraqi skies. Snooze and Trip pull no punches. The tales use the warrior's vernacular; preview it before playing it at the next family reunion......

Dos Gringos "2" (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000ERUGDA/qid=1147173582/sr=11-1/ref=sr_11_1/002-9290889-3296820?n=5174)

Track Listings
1. Going In For Guns
2. I Wish I Had a Gun Just Like the A-10
3. I Want To Take Off From a Carrier
4. At Least I’m Not the Snacko
5. You’ve Gotta Be In the Guard
6. The Legend Of Shaved Dog’s Ass
7. S. O. S.
8. Sammy Small
9. Back In the LPA
10. Has Anybody Seen My Wingman?
11. 12 Inch Penis
12. Heat’s Not Gay
13. Squiggly Porn
14. The Things I Love

9th May 2006, 10:46
Backing by "The Deid Disco-Belt Nazis"?:)

antipodean alligator
9th May 2006, 14:13
Their music is just brilliant. Very topical and a great reminder of some of the painful moments of OSW such as secure comms faffs and the like.
We were lucky enough to be in Vegas earlier in the year when they were playing live.
Heat's not gay on the second album is a rebuttal of the story told in the last song on the first album where they constantly state "Heat loves a C$ck!"
Met Heat in the Nellis O club when he was on Weapons School (Before 2nd album was released). He said that they'd had no idea how popular their music would become & that they'd promised to make it up to him!:D

Black 'n Yellar
9th May 2006, 20:31
Out here in the US the 'Dos Gringos' are all the rage. They are 2 F16 Bubbas with a guitar who started writing and singing these songs while they were out in the desert. They eventually became so popular that they cut these 2 albums. I have n't heard the second one yet but it is meant to be as good if not better than the first. My personal favorite off the first album is '2 's Blind.' Beware those of a sensitive disposition - there are a lot of swear words in their songs!

11th May 2006, 17:30
Well, that'll be a great LockMart corporate giveaway for the next AFA convention in DC...:E