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View Full Version : Flybe hold pool

29th Sep 2005, 09:46
Hey there,

Almost 3 months ago I passed my grading at BAe Woodford on the 146 sim. They told me I was going to be placed in their holdpool....
I have been sending several emails to Flybe, but none of them was answered. Maybe there are some people here who know how big the Flybe holdpool is, and if there is a date at which they will start training again.
The summerseason should be ended now....

Another question:
On my old CV is a phone number which doesn't exist any more. Does someone know which steps to take, to let Flybe know my new number (besides sending an email :bored: )


29th Sep 2005, 09:56
With the number of resignations coming up you WILL get a call fairly shortly my friend. Good Luck.

29th Sep 2005, 10:38

Just sended another email to Flybe. The reply was very fast this time. I Am fourth on their list now. They also said that the TQ's probably start in the next year. Problems with sim slots (again, or still)


Maude Charlee
30th Sep 2005, 10:32
Patience my friend. Summer season doesn't really finish until towards the end of October, but things are slowing down and airlines are definitely beginning the recruitment process. Flybe are now fishing applicants out of the hold pool for the end of November onwards, so if you are 4th in the queue, then you will be getting a call very shortly. Make sure they have your current mobile phone number and that you keep it handy at all times.

And I was just starting to perfect my backstroke too. :}

30th Sep 2005, 11:19
Think this pool is getting deeper....

Thinking of entering the 2012 olympics. Breast stroke!!!! Webed feet coming on nicely!!!

5th Oct 2005, 13:46
Hi There,
I'm not in the UK currently but could someone give me Chief Pilot's name and suggest an email address. Thanks in Advance.

Maude Charlee
6th Oct 2005, 11:21
Take a look at www.ppjn.com

Lots of good and current info there.

7th Oct 2005, 14:11
Much appreciated Maude Charlee.

21st Oct 2005, 16:12
Anybody been called out of the Flybe pool for a course yet??

21st Oct 2005, 18:50
Sorry if this sounds a bit off topic but I have to try...

Any No-UK EU citizen applied with this company? I have addressed my CV with a cover letter to Mr.D.Darby via email but not even an automated "received message" reply.

Any clues?

Thanks everyone!


rational rotation
21st Oct 2005, 19:15

I too am awaiting in limbo, Check your PM

21st Oct 2005, 22:06
know for sure there some French and at least an Italian flying for FlyBe.

No clue about their experience when joining...

22nd Oct 2005, 17:31
I'm still swimming too, surely that call can't be far away!!

22nd Oct 2005, 17:35
Canadians and Americans flying for the company. May be more I am unaware of.

23rd Oct 2005, 18:47
Still waiting as well. Nationality is Dutch...
Position on the list is 4....

Getting tired from practising my backstroke....

23rd Oct 2005, 20:28
When is the flybe pool going to leak :E


Maude Charlee
24th Oct 2005, 09:37
Hold pool definitely getting emptied. Keep swimming as it won't be long. It'll be just my luck I get a verrucca now I'm on dry land. ;)

24th Oct 2005, 17:17
Has to be at least 30 people out there treading water!!

Heard thats how many are about to jump ship.

24th Oct 2005, 18:18
At least 30 over the next couple of months so they'll need attrition replacement pilots for them as well as new crews for the extra aircraft that are being purchased and the new bases.

24th Oct 2005, 18:34
Lets hope it happens soon - still pilots available that want to be interviewed :D

24th Oct 2005, 18:39
Bring your lifejacket....the ship is sinking!

24th Oct 2005, 21:55
wuah wuah wuah :D

'pokes hole in side of ship to make it sink quicker' :E

25th Oct 2005, 08:57
When the ship is sinking, and everybody leaving, Flybe should buy a Q400 simulator for itself....
Hopefully there aren't the same problems like last year, with the simslots.

Good luck with waiting everyone.


25th Oct 2005, 11:39
I asked a Dash TRI/E the other day about his roster wrt sim training, he said that there was no initial training courses for the Dash until Feb/Mar next year. The sims are currently fully booked for recurrency training.

Keep swimming though, he said that there are going to be 4 (yes four) initial training courses per month for a while after that.

25th Oct 2005, 12:20
Good to read something positive or...not negative at least! Back to my question can anyone tell me how did they get in touch with you? As I said I emailed my CV to mr.Darby but not confirmation or sort of. how does it work with they HR dep.?

Take care & good luck


26th Oct 2005, 08:38
Dear PZ.

About your cv to Mr darby. Mr darby isn't the person you should have for flight crew applications. Since a while it is Mr Cheese now. This is what i was reading at ppjn.com

I still think that writing a letter with CV, and calling every week (only when you don't receive a letter back) is still better than sending an email and hoping that mr darby will pick out your email insteda of the 1000 others.

Make sure you are that special one they are looking for and not just to being a number in the Flybe files.

Good luck, and keep pushing.


28th Oct 2005, 21:46
Well it's good to have something to look forward to in the new year!

3rd Dec 2005, 19:26
Hi guys, any up-to-date info on the size of the flybe pool? I've just been told I'm in it, but interestingly the letter said that pilots would be taken out of the pool in order of suitability - anyone any idea exactly what that means? I'd always been under the impression it would be on a first in first out basis, but it would appear that its not.....



5th Dec 2005, 09:00
Hi All,

For info:

I've been in the holding pool since late summer and was told by JS last week that, if all goes to plan, it would be Apr/May for a course. This date has slipped everytime I have talked to Flybe.

Something that concerns me is the length of time between interview and entering training - I will have been interviewed more than a year before than the training starts, yet they stipulate that any IR should be current and renewed if necessary on an aircraft only; this will cost around £1000-1500and all because they are slow at recruiting.

Is there anyone else in a similar boat, floating around on their holding pool?


Cloud Chaser
6th Dec 2005, 21:01
The company are busy planning for next years new recruits, as they had problems just keeping existing pilots current due to lack of sim slots for OPC/LPC's.

The UK CAA have only recently approved the use of a Seattle simulator, with the intention being to use the Stockholm sim for LPC's and send new recruits to either Seattle or Toronto.

Also recruitment was scaled down as due to essential mods by the engine manufacturer, the flybe fleet is down several dashes over the winter, so a lot of people who left in the autumn have still to be replaced.

So watch this space, the doors will swing open in the new year.

7th Dec 2005, 13:06
Flybe is for sure filling the sim places. Last week I got a call, they are planning me to start in the beginning of Feb !!
Good luck waiting all.


10th Dec 2005, 06:47
Hi all,

Anyone has an idea of the Flybe interviews?

Thanks for your reply.


16th Feb 2006, 12:17
Just wondering how deep the holding pool is and how long people have been waiting for their start dates?

Any info much appreciated.

8th May 2006, 21:07
Just like to know if flybe have a hold pool and any other relevant info for a newbie! and yes I have done a search!

8th May 2006, 21:17
excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by a hold pool?


10th May 2006, 13:44
When you have successfully completed the interview and check ride with your prospective employer you are added to the list of people they have waiting to take up employment with them. Hold pools more often apply to candidates who are not type rated. As the airline runs type rating courses pilots are drawn from the hold pool.

BTW most of the posts on this thread are quite old.


22nd May 2006, 08:09
Any idea of the number swimming?
Anyone else out there waiting for a course date? How long a wait etc?

22nd May 2006, 11:59
ok.....anyone been recruited out of the hold pool recently and how long did you wait, when did you pass the sim etc.....
any info much appreciated....

22nd May 2006, 16:41
Yes...... I had about a 2 month wait. I was told it would be 5,6,7 months but 2 weeks later was called to start immediatley.

They have had several TRE's quit (5 from 13 I think!!!) and there is also a global shortage of sim slots. So be patient....

Not sure how they decide who comes out first but Captains seem to be top of the list as they are in short supply.

Hope I was of some help.....know how you feel waiting sucks!!

22nd May 2006, 17:23
Thanks for that.....you're right the waiting is a pain........

12th Jul 2006, 10:25
Anyone heard anything new?

13th Jul 2006, 09:00
Does anybody know when online application will reopen??

15th Jul 2006, 10:19
or has anyone been recruited from the pool in the last 4 weeks?