View Full Version : Airport Codes

25th Apr 2006, 20:42
Firstly, bit of a newbie to this, so apologies if I mess up the terminology.

A good freind of mine pointed me in your direction as probably the most useful community to help with this.

Im creating an access database for my Uni work, which needs to be populated with the codes for the worlds airports, to a minimum of 400 airports. Ideally I need them in some kinda of text file or standard output, like

AAA Boompa Airport
BDB Another Random Airport
LGW London Gatwick

etc etc etc..

anyone know of any good resources that might be formatted like this? had a play on google but no joy :(

25th Apr 2006, 20:49

I have a database of my own which includes details of over 5600 airports around the world. I could export the information into an excel spreadsheet for you, which you can then import into your database.

PM me with an email address and I will do it for you. :)

25th Apr 2006, 20:49
search in google

25th Apr 2006, 20:56
Except Google searching will not provide him the information in the format he requires!!

25th Apr 2006, 20:59
Except Google searching will not provide him the information in the format he requires!!

quite :) pm'ing now.. nice one !

25th Apr 2006, 21:07
And the file has been sent :ok:

Let me know if you need anything else, and if I can help, I will :)

25th Apr 2006, 21:25
Thanks to GOOMG for an obviously good (and fast!) solution.

Heslop - DO PM me with the Google link you found with the required format.

On that note, time for bed:ok: