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View Full Version : Yet another hazard to offshore pilots!

24th Apr 2006, 03:47

Saw this at glocktalk.com, thread titled "There I was, in the fog, inverted at night....."

Seems a Separator burst a few minutes prior to the helicopter arriving following a "late" pickup....most fortuitous timing I would suggest. The hole is in the steel helideck plating caused by shrapnel from the bursting Separator.

24th Apr 2006, 08:58
It is really terrible.
But i can not find in glocktalk.com, any link?

24th Apr 2006, 10:38
I happened upon that quite by accident....will try to relocate it later today. The pilot involved was a PHI pilot flying 407's in the Gulf of Mexico (now retired). (if I read the posts correctly.)