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View Full Version : Happy St. George's Day

22nd Apr 2006, 08:49
To each and every one of you ppruner's, I wish you all a happy St. Georges day, time to go and have some fish and chip's, sit in a pub and have a beer,(or two) (my excuse for not taking the wife shopping, I HAVE TO celebrate)!
Enjoy your Saturday.......

22nd Apr 2006, 09:52
Except, it's tomorrow.....

22nd Apr 2006, 15:29
Can you see why I chose my Title??????? I am so damn tired!!!!!!! Well, Happy St. George's for tomorrow!
(I'll have to take the wife shopping now:uhoh: )

22nd Apr 2006, 17:55
Trying hard to think of something witty to do with old Dragons.....

but can't, but you get the gist.:ouch:

Letsby Avenue
23rd Apr 2006, 19:49
Happy St George's day - I am certainly flying my flag - Just hope that my local parish council chums don't threaten me with a £50,000 fine and/or 30 years' in jail for doing so - God I love living in a free country....:}

23rd Apr 2006, 20:52
Just had to bully and cajole 20 Air Scouts and others to march through the town. Never seen such a sorry and self concious bunch.Why do we bother?