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View Full Version : Older Pilots

LD Max
22nd Apr 2006, 08:30
I recently noticed an employment advert for older pilots up to age 65.
I trust the moderators won't mind me pasting the link (I'm not advertising) since I feel this is quite newsworthy.
Given all the recent grumbling about how airlines are generally only hiring youngsters, this is the first bit of good news for people like myself.
I do hope this is the beginning of a trend where airlines are starting to recognise the value of age and experience.

Pilot Pete
23rd Apr 2006, 11:18
I do hope this is the beginning of a trend where airlines are starting to recognise the value of age and experience.

Let's hope so too, but I think in this forum it is 'middle aged' pilots with 200hrs who keep being knocked back and I don't see that changing unless the demand starts to outstrip the supply of younger pilots.


23rd Apr 2006, 12:07
I trust the moderators won't mind me pasting the link (I'm not advertising)

Yes, I do mind. You may not be advertising but, by posting a link, you are effectively providing a free advert for a commercial organisation. This board is paid for by bona fide advertisers who are entitled to expect that their competitors will not get free advertising, hence we don't alow links to commercial organisations.

If readers should spot any similar links, please use the 'Report Post' function (the little warning triangle over on the left) to alert us to their presence.
