View Full Version : TAG AVIATION - LSGG

16th Apr 2006, 08:46
Good morning all,

This is my first post here and both a pleasure and an honour to belong to such a community.

I wonder if someone can provide me with any kind of info (salaries, work environment, people, cost of life) regarding TAG Aviation in LSGG. I am very interested in getting any kind of info related to this company (mainly on Operations)

I appreciate all kind of information, any kind, even what is the average salary in that part of Switzerland, Average prices of an apartment, where to live (Switzerland or France).

I know I might be asking too much, but all help is kindly appreciated.



16th Apr 2006, 09:12
Hi City Hopper,

i've already asked this question few days ago, i haven't got any answer.
I just found on internet a "french-swiss convention" for living in France or in Switzerland.
Good luck, enjoy your flight :ok:

17th Apr 2006, 17:39
Switzerland is more complex because not part of Europe and the ex- Crossair/Swissair folks are on the Swiss market trying to find a job.
But anyway here's a comparative report about costs in Europe. Report was made by Union des banques Suisses. If you're hired, expect to find an affordable appartement in Morges or Nord Vaudois all the leman cost line is very expensive and appartements for rent are few.


http://www.ubs.com/1/ShowMedia/media_overview/media_global/ mediareleases?contentId=34588&name=PL_2003_e_m.pdf

19th Apr 2006, 08:58

Very elucidative, really. That document really shows quite some discrepancies regarding life style between european countries. It gave me a clearer idea on what to expect. Thanks very much for that


24th Apr 2006, 16:41
As I said before TAG GVA has very limited positions to offer mainly because of the Swiss(air) clash and I don't have information to put in there.
LX 8676

27th Apr 2006, 09:52
TAG GVA has very limited positions to offer mainly because of the Swiss(air) clash

What is going on there? Is it really worthy going for TAG? Well, prestige they have, but what are the problems going on there at the moment? Is it THAT difficult getting in TAG LSGG? What is the main reason?

Thanks guys!

27th Apr 2006, 15:54
What's going on? Well Switzerland is a very small country. When Swissair collapsed and thanks to the brilliant ideas from our government Swiss was created . Shortly after Swiss was born a bunch of pilots were dismissed (too big). GVA was not a base anymore, Lugano was closed, Bale was not the Crossair hub anymore and crews had to either commute to Zurich or move to Zurich.
What happened next? There is a lot of pilots unemployed and most of them are Swiss citizens and Switzerland is not part of Europe. Crossair lost more than 500 pilots (I don't remember the exact number) and Swissair a couple of them. So, do the math: ZRH GVA airports and around 700 pilots looking for a job with MD,Bus, Rj100 and S2000 ratings. And I'm not counting some "Swiss" pilots willing to have GVA homebase, thus willing to resign from "Swiss" and move back in GVA.
Hope that you've got a better picture...

28th Apr 2006, 18:32
Yeah, I see exactly what you mean...too bad this kind of things happen. Specially with such a high amount of very professional people unemployed. Always a problem for each of them, their families and, why not, for the country itself.

Thanks for keeping me "up-to-date" with the situation...

Best of lucks to all the ones affected.

PS: Still waitting for someone to "elucidate" me...is it/is it not, TAG a good place/company to work for? And what are their proīs and conīs?