View Full Version : Ident of Harrier fuel tank?

16th Apr 2006, 07:44
The propagandists are still on the Internet claiming that NATO lost hundreds of aircraft during Allied Force. One of the claims is of a lost Harrier shot down on 13 April 1999. For this they bring the following. (see link)

I say combat-jettisoned Harrier GR.7 external with popped seams. Can any of you Harrier guys shed some light? The video was aired on Sky News during April 1999.

Stills from the video can be seen here. No wonder the SHAR was retired early to cover up all those combat losses. LOL! Claims of 'RAF Sea Harrier' on the following website:


Great Auk
16th Apr 2006, 08:55

The small arms AAA holes would appear to have been added post-crash. They are too neatly spaced and all with a similar entrance trajectory which is technically possible (if unfeasible) if the aircraft flew immediately above the firer or was hovering!!! I would also have thought that had the bullet holes would have provided points of weakness in the structure (fuel tank?) that would be subjected to more localised damage i.e. radially or transversely from the bullet holes when it impact.


16th Apr 2006, 23:22
Interesting - according to the www.aeronautics.ru site, over 61 NATO aircraft were shot down over Kosovo, resulting in the deaths of over 100 NATO aircrew. Aircraft shot down included a B-2, B-52 and an RAF C-130K.

What are these people smoking?

16th Apr 2006, 23:36
Cripes. Is that the home page of 'Comical Ali'??

17th Apr 2006, 08:45
Interesting - according to the www.aeronautics.ru site, over 61 NATO aircraft were shot down over Kosovo, resulting in the deaths of over 100 NATO aircrew. Aircraft shot down included a B-2, B-52 and an RAF C-130K.
What are these people smoking?

They have been at it for years! Numerous groups and individuals still believe to this day that those losses actually occurred. I feel sorry for the Serbian and Montenegro air defence conscripts. They have probably been taught this hogwash regarding 'NATO losses' since the end of the conflict.

PPRuNe even gets a mention!

"Pilots Vent Fury at RAF on Web, Antony Barnet writes: "Pilots currently serving in the Gulf, and others recently back from Kosovo, are so angry about defective equipment and low morale they are flooding the secret site with complaints aimed at senior officers." The "secret" site is the PPRuNe message board for military pilots. I've spent several days at that site fishing for information until that Sherlock from The Observer scared everyone away with his article."

Link to above snippet:


If you have time then the claims on this table should give you a laugh:


Any Tonka crew want to admit to leaving their fuel tanks in Serbia on 26 May 1999?


17th Apr 2006, 09:17
That A10 Cowling appears to have been shot down at least a dozen times!

17th Apr 2006, 09:36
That A10 Cowling appears to have been shot down at least a dozen times!

The A-10 starboard engine nacelle came from serial 81-0967. It lost it to Serb air defences over Kosovo on 2nd May 1999. 81-0967 landed safely without it in Macedonia. The Serbs filmed the nacelle to death and revealed the A-10s construction number!

The Serbs kept the nacelle and it is now an exhibit in a museum:


A Tonka crew (I won't reveal their ident!- unless they want to own up?) fired this ALARM over Serbia. It came down in this condition and is now on display in a Serb museum. You can just imagine where the internals went before the missile was passed to the museum?



One for the National Audit Office! Looks like the Serbs got some free UAV and sensor technology courtesy of the Royal Artillery!

Phoenix ZJ384



17th Apr 2006, 11:50
Funny how it's always the fuel tanks they have on display, isn't it?


17th Apr 2006, 12:53
Based on the theory that a fuel tank equals a kill - surely the partisans of Rutland must have downed a fair few Harriers over the years. Are they all on display in an underground rebel museum?

18th Apr 2006, 04:57
Good lord.... did not expect Venik's site to ever feature in the hallowed halls of Proon! Any claims on that site need to be divided by twenty and THEN taken with a barrel of your finest salt.

18th Apr 2006, 12:25
"Based on the theory that a fuel tank equals a kill - surely the partisans of Rutland must have downed a fair few Harriers over the years. Are they all on display in an underground rebel museum?"

Not to mention the highly effective Anti Air Brigade of the Zummerset Alliance! As proved not so long ago.:ok:

Jacks Down
18th Apr 2006, 13:20
We did loose a C130 remember? Not shot down, but cat 5'd none the less, in fact in exactly the circumstances that one of Teeej's links describe. Not that that makes the rest of it any less bollocks of course!