View Full Version : OK to shave on board (in NZ)

Pax Vobiscum
7th Apr 2006, 17:10
As it's (nearly) the weekend, I thought I should share this (http://www.caa.govt.nz/fulltext/CAA_News/CAA_News_05_6_Nov_Dec.pdf) (0.75MB PDF) - see p3, top right. CAR 91.7 stipulates that portable electronic devices ... cannot be used on an aircraft flying under IFR during an instrument approach or departure procedure or during any other critical phase of flight, with the following exceptions: hearing aids, heart pacemakers, portable voice recorders, electric shavers, and electronic watches can be used at all times.
So now I know that when I'm on NZ1 descending into Auckland, I can whip out my trusty Philishave with impunity and smarten myself up for my morning meeting! Tip o' the hat to New Scientist (http://www.newscientist.com/backpage.ns?id=mg19025462.400) for this nugget.