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View Full Version : Diamond Aircraft Co.

6th Apr 2006, 23:11
Does anybody know what these guys look for in hiring production test pilot's? I hear they have plants over here, and in the Uk.


Genghis the Engineer
7th Apr 2006, 07:32
Not in the UK, Diamond are located in Canada and Austria. It's likely that to work in Austria you'd need citizenship of an EU country.

I applied for a very interesting looking FTE job there working on the DA42 a couple of years ago. Regrettably they didn't even have the courtesy to acknowledge it - so no idea I'm afraid.

That said, it's likely for a company in that area for FT to be FTE driven, with a small number of developmental test pilots also doing what production test flying is needed to keep their hours up - but that's just informed guesswork, I don't actually know how they work.

Presumably you've looked at their website (http://www.diamondair.com/mainpage.php)?


18th Apr 2006, 16:19
I don't know about Diamond, but in the company I work for we have 4 production test pilots for a production rate of 1 airplane per day. The minimum experience is 1000 h total time, A&P and/or instructor rating beneficial, no prior flight test experience required, but beneficial. Experimental flight test is separate. At the moment we don't need any more production test pilots.