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View Full Version : PC Won't Recognise Camera

4th Apr 2006, 08:39
I have a Kodak LS633 digital camera and use Kodak Easyshare software for picture management.
All of a sudden, possibly after downloading an upgrade to Easyshare 5.2, when I plug the camera's USB into any of the PC's USBs, nothing happens.
Ipod - no problem, so the USBs are working with Itunes.
My Computer shows nothing plugged in either. The Easyshare software shows nothing plugged in. The camera behaves correctly in that, although switched on when plugged in, the lens stays where it is and the little green light flashes as it should.
Tried the trouble shooting on the Kodak website and re-downloaded Easyshare 5.2.
Win Xp SP2, Dell Dimension PC.
Any ideas please anyone.

4th Apr 2006, 11:42
Have a look in Windows Explorer and see if it's showing as an extra drive - if so, you should be able to download your pictures that way.

Conan the Librarian
4th Apr 2006, 12:12
Time to explore the camera manual... Suspect it is likely to an option in the camera itself. You probably have an option to configure it as "Mass Storage" or something else, I can't quite remember. Requirement differs for various operating systems.

However, a far better way, is to use a card reader. They are small, cheap, idiot proof and do not use the camera internals at all. The USB 2.0 readers are almost always a LOT faster than the camera method, too.


PS Muggins got a bargain last week. 4GB high Speed Compact Flash card (100/133X) for £95. If anyone needs one, PM me for details.

4th Apr 2006, 14:58
Take you camera to the shop and have them test it. If the camera is ok, go the Control Panel, find the Device Manager under System and remove all the USB controller devices (typically 5-6 devices). After a reboot, all the controller devices and all connectable USB devices should be re-found and their drivers reinstalled automatically.

5th Apr 2006, 10:20
Thanks guys. The PC recognoses the camera as in WE, but still no joy from the software. However the very helpful man from Kodak talked me thru sending him a 'systemreport' which he will look at and call me back with (hopefully) a fix.

Again, thanks to you all - will post the outcome.

Paris Dakar
5th Apr 2006, 11:52

Is your Kodak software running in the background? The reason I ask, is that I had a look at what software was running on my PC and I closed some of it down. When I restarted the computer it would not recognise my digi cam when I plugged it in (as soon as you connect the camera it would always go straight to the 'transfer images' facility). After further checking I found that I had disabled the 'Fuji' software in error, and no matter how much I clicked on the software icon on the desktop it would not find my camera.

Just a thought................?

15th Apr 2006, 18:40
Thanks Paris Dakar, the Easyshare was running ok, but, try as we might, the pictures would not transfer. In the end, it came down to a fresh reinstall of the Easyshare having 'hoovered' out all the remnants after removing it via the CP - under the instruction of the nice man from Kodak.

Unfortunately, having been reassured that I wouldn't lose any pictures because they are all elsewhere in my PC, only half came trotting back into the freshly installed Easyshare. Where, apart from in 'My Pictures' might I find the rest in my PC? Using Windows Xp SP2.

Can anyone advise please, otherwise pictures of a great visit to Florida and my daughter's wedding have gone West!


15th Apr 2006, 19:53
Make a search from within Explorer (not IE!) for *.jpg - should list all the jpegs on your drive and show you the path.

Alternatively, install Picasa 2 and let it sniff out all your pix.

15th Apr 2006, 20:40
Make a search from within Explorer (not IE!) for *.jpg - should list all the jpegs on your drive and show you the path.
Alternatively, install Picasa 2 and let it sniff out all your pix.
See my disclaimer on related thread first however!:}

16th Apr 2006, 08:43
Thanks Frostie - they're all there! Phew - must back them up somehow - onto my laptop perhaps?

But how best to transfer them back into Easyshare, that is now the question.

Might it be right click - open with Easy share - transfer to collection? Lengthy process though!

Happy Easter!

1st May 2006, 08:03
Why not store them on a DVD or memory stick? I have photographed my house contents room by room and put them on a DVD; I've made several copies and keep one in the car/office - if the house burns down, I reckon it's going to be less hastle with the insurance company...