View Full Version : CPP Flight Training

31st Mar 2006, 14:50
Hi all
can someone shed some light on the flight training process in adelaide? Do you go from ppl to commerical multi and instrument and in what order...or is it a different system. What if i already am a commercial multi with instrument, do i still have to go through all that training or is it "waived" to a certain point? Where does the learjet come in, and after all this are you allowed to select A340 or 744? thanks. Im thinking far in advance here, ive got my stage one may 17th. Anyone else on the same day?


1st Apr 2006, 06:50
Hi all
can someone shed some light on the flight training process in adelaide? Do you go from ppl to commerical multi and instrument and in what order...or is it a different system. What if i already am a commercial multi with instrument, do i still have to go through all that training or is it "waived" to a certain point? Where does the learjet come in, and after all this are you allowed to select A340 or 744? thanks. Im thinking far in advance here, ive got my stage one may 17th. Anyone else on the same day?


3rd Apr 2006, 10:55
Since there is no low hours direct entry with CX. Therefore someone with CPL/IR and multi will have to repeat the CPP program again. There is one cadet in Adelaide now having the above scenario. So it looks like self-sponsored training is not much useful in HK. In UK where I am now, many regional airlines will take on low hours direct entry from some well recognised school. However, you need to have some very high marks in each subject to stand out with better chances. Cadet pilot schemes are still the safer route to get into this profession without spending a lot of money yourselves. It can be quite disappointed though if you are only the second best in this very competitive world. Good luck to u all.