View Full Version : The scrolls

29th Mar 2006, 16:18
Does anyone remember quite a few years back when the scrolls were found and published on PPRUNE? They were written in a simpler time, and discribed the life and work of cameleers in a distant sandy place. It would be interesting if they could be re-published, to see how things have progressed...or not.
I have done a search here and can not find them, they were in the humour section up till the last PPRUNE format change. Anyone have a copy? Is the finder of these treasures still around to re-publish?


29th Mar 2006, 22:03
Great point don; I'll check in the back-office & get back to you.


30th Mar 2006, 05:23
Thanks 4HP

30th Mar 2006, 08:43
4HolerPoler, please ask Danny if we can have the humour page back again. There are a few outright gems that need to be always available for quick retrieval, like Flaps 40's incomparable 'A Trip with the Captain'.

I came upon a very tattered paper copy of the original scroll recently, and after re-reading, thought it could have been written today rather than 14 years ago.

30th Mar 2006, 12:08
Thanks Gulf news. Guess you don't have the second one as well do you?

30th Mar 2006, 14:14
Danny's dusted off a couple of old boxes in his attic & voila! - the scrolls return:

Go to: http://www.pprune.org/pub/fun/caravan.html

Also see: http://www.pprune.org/pub/fun/cafescrolls.html

He also found this old classic: http://www.pprune.org/pub/fun/qantas.html

Enjoy; thanks for asking.


1st Apr 2006, 18:14
. . . and well worth reading again :ok:

But haave the scrolls been re-translated? I don't rememebr the Conch Shells in the original:oh:

Or maybe it's just time:confused:

6th Apr 2006, 03:53
We've just been blown out with a dust/sand storm here in the Gobi Desert :D and were sitting around trying to find the 2 scrolls and the qantas story with out success.

Lo and behold another search turns up your thread and success, thanks guys, will help us past the time till we can see again.
