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29th Mar 2006, 00:59
Hi all
As anybody heard or seen Steve76 lately? seems to have gone very quiet in the last year or so:confused:

29th Mar 2006, 01:18
Rumor has it he has fled Canada and is currently living back in that Third world country in the Pacific he came from. Other rumors suggest he is touring in that little paraidse just north of Carins where if you sold concertina wire you would be a rich man!

remote hook
29th Mar 2006, 01:44
Over in PNG, living in NZ again.

Haven't had an e-mail from him in a few weeks though.


29th Mar 2006, 08:39
You have gone a bit quiet yourself WLM.
Still in Miri or moved on too greener pastures?

29th Mar 2006, 11:24
He's in NZ on time off... exchanged a few emails with him yesterday...

paul abersynth
30th Mar 2006, 00:37
Yeah Steve 76. Where are you?

I thought we were friends?


30th Mar 2006, 05:08
Thanks for the replies guys, good to know he's safe..
So common mr Steve76, stop sucking on your thumb and give us some news mate:{
And yes m still in Miri sucking on my thumb as well:}
Oh yes heard yesterday another logging operation starting up in Kelantan, West Malaysia using 2 Canadian registered logging helis; must be skycranes as well? still digging the info out...

paul abersynth
1st Apr 2006, 05:33
Latest I heard, Steve has been offered the CP position at a prominent PNG helicopter operator.

congrats Mr Steve


1st Apr 2006, 22:06
I guess it had to come out eventually, so I better respond accordingly. Its been a busy week in negotiation for the position and while I conceded a few points in some areas, I believe I managed to get the critical areas covered. Of most significance are the new minimum pilot requirements:

* All pilots are to have JARS ATPL and all existing pilots will be expected and supported to upgrade to the new system.

* 5500hrs PIC consisting of 3000hrs command on at least two multi-engine types of a minimum of 5700kgs AUW (contractual requirements).

* 350hrs IFR Command ( IFR - ICUS will not be accepted)

* To increase operational flexibility the pilots will require a further minimum of 500hrs PIC on longline operations (200ft) involving drill moving and a further 500hrs of seismic operations. Pilots with Bag Runner experience will be considered more employable.

* 1500hrs of mountain experience at altitudes exceeding 5000' AMSL or 500hrs of experience exceeding 7500' and an approved Canadian Helicopters Mountain Course.

* Additionally one of either a NZCAA Agricultural Rating or CFI Class 1 rating.

* Minimum of 300hrs on AS350, BH06L, BK117, BH212, KA32, MIL 17, MIL 26 types. Pilots without these types (and required to fly that aircraft) will be given the rating in exchange for a ROS guarantee of 3yrs. These are prerequisites and each carries the min ROS i.e.: should you require 2 types to meet minimum requirement = 6 yrs ROS.

* Fluency in Pidgin. Pilots not meeting this requirement will be expected to complete the U of PNG distance learning course at their own expense.

Tours have been improved to a 6 weeks on and 2 off and staff will be required to reside in Townsville. Preference will be afforded to pilots who will accept permanent residency in PNG.

Salaries will be increased to $60,050 AU annually with a performance bonus of 1% annually and a further 1% for safety bonus. Should pilot performance or safety not meet management or client standards the salary will be adjusted down by 4.2% for safety and 1.8% for performance annually.

Well, no time to chat. Work to do don't you know!

Paul A; can you mail me your flight and duty times for this month and let me know when you can get around to the CRM training for muppet? NB: I will be forwarding the CV's to you for your opinion.

1st Apr 2006, 22:39
Hole cow Mr. Boyce!!! Could've told me about that!!! Congrats!!

I was just wondering about one thing??? Have you been in contact witht the ONLY two peolpe in the world who would like to...

(1) Work in PNG
(2) Have to give 3 years of their life for an endorsement
(3) Have all that mountain experience at those altitude AND all those PIC hours AND ...
(4) Have 500 hours of longline (200'... only people I know doing that are heavy guys and people who have lots of time in the jungle) AND on top of that another 500 hours on seismic
(5) JARs ATPL for flying 350s and 206s
(6) Want to work an IMPROVED touring position of 6 on/2 off while living in PNG!?!?!
(7) Fluent in Pidgin... I thought that english was the aviation language.. if I had known I wouldn't spent all those years perfecting my english!!!
(8) 350 IFR command... you're going to have to look in the north sea or out here for that kind of hours...
(9)And be making 60K AU$

I know that a few of those requirements are related to particular jobs/machines/contracts... but I hope that you are not looking for someone who has all of those cause you're resume (CV) pile won't be covering much of your desk...

Well, I guess I won't be working in PNG next... unless I get another heavy type, more longline, etc...

Let me know if things get rough I'll come over and give you a hand! :ok:

helmet fire
2nd Apr 2006, 00:20
You mean there are TWO pilots who have all that and want to work in PNG for Aus $60K? FAARK!

:} :} :}

2nd Apr 2006, 01:51
Of course, you can just claim to have all the required experience. It worked for others that are there. :E

2nd Apr 2006, 03:11
Please don't take it wrong but I'm sure this is an April's fool day joke.

Damn, I can't keep from laughing!!

All those requirements just to fly a helicopter??

In the middle of nowhere??

Having to learn Pidgin??

JARS ATPL, Mountain Time, 2 Multi Types, Longline, 5,500 hrs., 6 Weeks On 2 Off, IFR, and all that for just $ 42,000.00 USD a year??

In Las Vegas you probably make more than that in tips alone! I would hate to have all those skills and see a kid flying tourists in a 206 at the Canyon make twice as much.

I'm sure you are joking right?

2nd Apr 2006, 06:17
Steve76 is the joke , a plonker .

mustering guru
2nd Apr 2006, 06:46


mustering guru
2nd Apr 2006, 06:48
I know a bloke that knows a bloke that might be interested in working there.....

High Nr
2nd Apr 2006, 06:59
I will hold my tongue, but not for long.

Mr. 76 was the catalyst and stirrer of a few past posts gone bad, so the credibility is somewhat in question. [I also remember the Esso Days].

To be perfectly honest, PNG is full of folk that can’t get a proper job in the mainstream, if the shoe fits, wear it.

I post this, not on April 01, so there is no joke here.

There was a mass exodus of the “Old Guard” from PNG a few years back, which coincided with the locals swapping their spears for AK 47’s, [brought in from NZ I suspect.].

So the new guys that feel it’s a stepping stone, watch your back and I hope the danger, disease, poor money [for the risk] is worth the effort.

Or you could make it back home!

2nd Apr 2006, 08:22
You embarress yourself SO well.
PS - don't hold your tongue too long, your dick will get jealous.

2nd Apr 2006, 08:53
Oh f#@K Steve D@#kbrain is back ! What a shame ! :E

2nd Apr 2006, 10:38
You guys were asking for him.............................. HE'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ok:

2nd Apr 2006, 11:28
Can anyone tell me what a "proper job in the mainstream" is.

2nd Apr 2006, 11:50
Uhm the cat is out of the bag.... Finally
Now Mr Steve76, does that mean you will respond to private emails?:hmm:

remote hook
2nd Apr 2006, 16:06
I got one of the coveted private e-mails, but he's back in PNG now so, it be a while until the next one.

2nd Apr 2006, 17:01
good one Stevie ! Welcome back !:)

3rd Apr 2006, 14:40
Damn, it's been nice a quiet here without the 76er, but all good things must end.

Still, that is a pretty funny April Fools joke - how long did it take to work out a list of requirements of which you have none yourself. That said, I suspect that only your logbook could have a total of 5500PIC, and 3000PIC on 2 types - good one! You did miss the B747 type rating though.

BTW does Pidgin mean kiwi?

MD900 Explorer
3rd Apr 2006, 19:06
Jolly Green
I am reliably informed, pidgin is the slang for the lingo out in PNG

Nice one Cuzz, see the dry sense of humour hasn't stopped. Keep turning those rotors. Thanks for one of the coveted emails too.


4th Apr 2006, 06:47
Explorer: well, duurrhhhhh!!!

MD900 Explorer
4th Apr 2006, 09:04
Jolly Green

I see you are down to using your last niblets for brain power...keep up the good work...D%C#H£@D


4th Apr 2006, 11:22
Well done MD, how can I compete against such biting wit. Any more wisdom of such profundity, or are we done?

"Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege."

MD900 Explorer
4th Apr 2006, 17:10
Jolly Green

Man you Brits crack me up.....stop it, i can't bare the pain, my sides are splitting. :{

Really, you should'nt abuse your stupidity privilege, and yes i am done. :E

MD :rolleyes:

Red Wine
4th Apr 2006, 21:35
Its all OK, their married.

[To each other....!!!!].