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View Full Version : Is your glass half full or half empty?

26th Mar 2006, 11:44
:bored: Is your glass half full or half empty? Or are you in the possession of a receptacle that is utilized to fifty percent of its rated capacity.

If you are adding liquid to a container, when you reach fifty percent of the rated capacity, the said container is considered half full.

If reducing the quantity of liquid in a container, when you reach fifty percent of the rated capacity of that container, the container is considered half empty.

If a glass while static, is found to contain fifty percent of total capacity. It can reasonably be considered either half full or half empty without drawing any conclusions as to the mental state of the owner of the glass.

Depending on the circumstances relating to the desired state of the glass, the custodian of the glass may have certain emotive feelings relating to the condition of the glass.

For example: 1. The operator of a domestic dish washer, may upon opening the door of the dish washes, discovers that one renegade item of crystal wear has up turned and is half full with rinse water. This is an undesirable result that has been known to trigger an emotive reaction.

2. A thirsty athlete will be delighted to discover that an additional 50% of the sought after water is still remaining in his half empty cup. This is a desirable condition.

If considering and reporting the current capacity of a glass of water were a mathematical problem and not a thoughtful insight into the mental wellbeing of the owner of the glass, it would be this simple. You round up. 0-49% is empty. 50-100% is full. A glass at half capacity would always be half full.

Exhaustive scientific tests have proven in repeated studies that the amount of water in a half empty glass equals that of a half full glass. The mental state of the owner of the glass has no measurable influence on the quantity of water. However owners of half full glasses were found to be considerably more disappointed when they discovered they had no more water than the other glass owners. Conversely, owners of half empty glasses were delighted with the study results.

26th Mar 2006, 12:03
What the :mad: :ugh:

Now i'm confused ha ha ha ha ha :eek:

26th Mar 2006, 12:14
The glass is gleener on the other side of the fence. (Confucious)

26th Mar 2006, 12:16

I've booked you a bed !

26th Mar 2006, 12:35
"Rotorheads A haven for professional helicopter pilots to discuss the things that affect them. ":rolleyes:

Now had you been discussing whether the aircraft fuel tank was half empty or half full, that would have been a different matter.

It's always half empty when you are consuming it, half full when you are filling it.

Genghis the Engineer
26th Mar 2006, 14:27
Speaking as an Engineer, I'd consider that the glass was made to the wrong specification.


26th Mar 2006, 14:47
Don't ever, ever put crystal in a dishwasher!



26th Mar 2006, 15:37
and anyway, real pilots don't drink out of glasses :}

26th Mar 2006, 16:07
They might make a spectacle of themselves by holding the bowl and not the stem of a lead-crystal wine goblet!



26th Mar 2006, 16:24
mind you, that does give a window into the world of professional helicopter pilots...

26th Mar 2006, 20:23
What if my glass is full, but it only holds 50% of what a glass should hold? :=

26th Mar 2006, 20:42

If you are from the airlines, replace it with a serviceable item.

If you are from the GA end of the industery, live withe it.

26th Mar 2006, 20:59
Surely, to be pedantic, like my physics master was when he set this same question for homework many years ago - Empty means there's nothing in the glass. Half empty is even less, which is impossible ...... so one should say "half full" or perhaps at a pinch, "half emptied"

My glass is presently completely empty so I'm off to fill it with G and not too much T.

AAh! Cheers! :ok:

26th Mar 2006, 21:02
...and make sure your dry martinis are stirred, not shaken!


Etiquette Guru to the helicopter profession!

26th Mar 2006, 21:07
Ah yes, my name is Bond, Basildon Bond....Miss Moneypenny......hic! :p

And Miss Moneypenny is close to the truth ;)

Booze tester to the helicopter profession

Arm out the window
26th Mar 2006, 21:35
Are you sure the physics master wasn't half full himself when he set the question? (Or maybe half empty?)

26th Mar 2006, 21:41
Are you sure the physics master wasn't half full himself when he set the question? (Or maybe half empty?)

No.................. :p

27th Mar 2006, 05:45

I thought I hit Rotorheads on my Favourites tab but somehow I ended up here instead... where am I?


27th Mar 2006, 11:06
Half way to paradise! The question is are you coming or going?

27th Mar 2006, 14:16
I suspect this thread will soon end up HERE (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=209880).

BTW, can you ever really get a half-empty glass totally empty? After all before you pour out all of it, you have to pour out half of what's left, then half of that, then half of...

27th Mar 2006, 14:49
Methinks you should drink my favoured tipple....to drink it correctly it is only consumed half a glass at a time:E ...half pint that is (http://www.newcastlebrown.com/)!!:E :E

28th Mar 2006, 05:03
Half a can of beer, the canucks don’t savvy this as per the Blog link below.

It’s all about the new aussie Tourist Ad.

All a bit of a worry, the Japs don’t know how to swear and Tony Blair said in the OZ Govt house that he don’t know where he are.


Don’t know if anyone has the original f' word lampoon, very funny!