View Full Version : A320Rider

9th Aug 2005, 23:00
I am getting fed up with so many threads being taken off-topic by members wanting to discuss our friend A320Rider rather than the subject at hand. Acordingly, I have started this thread purely for discussing him. All posts in any Wannabes thread that discuss, insult, or otherwise are largely devoted to A320Rider will be moved here.

A320Rider will, of course, be at liberty to defend himself.


23rd Mar 2006, 06:53
Vaoder = a320rider :rolleyes:

Send Clowns
23rd Mar 2006, 11:20
Has A320 cleared up whether he has a commercial licence or not yet?

Good luck, zoo!

23rd Mar 2006, 12:58
Yes, it was about time A320_Rider appeared in his latest form. In the past he's been Skyman, the Hulk, Ronchonner, Spaceman, Gorky......... He doesn't seem to change his style though i.e. negative, defeatist message backed up with dodgy figures and telling us how great things are in the US. What's his motivation? He's been at it without any sign of relenting for 4+ years now. As for being Portugese this time, no way!

23rd Mar 2006, 13:41
No more confusion of ideas I´m Voador.
That A320 rider is another person, pilot whatever....


23rd Mar 2006, 13:49
Well A320, ermm, I mean "Voador," there's only one way to prove that you are not one and the same. Next time an Eaglejet, or SSTR thread is started and you don't rant and rave in a long, rambling post, then I'll believe you!

23rd Mar 2006, 14:01
Can we stop this pathetic accusation that anyone whose English is a little laboured and who is not full of the joys of aviation is automatically A320Rider or some other Ronchonner wannabe? You guys have no idea what you are talking about. Voador is posting from Portugal. A320Rider is in Switzerland.


Send Clowns
23rd Mar 2006, 20:14

It has been suggested, by someone claiming to know you, that you don't even have a CPL. Is that true?

23rd Mar 2006, 21:35
Just to confirm that I´m not A 320 rider:rolleyes:

Ask them (a 320 rider) to write something in Portuguese...

Pode ser que ele saiba escrver ou falar......

Best regards Flyer;)

23rd Mar 2006, 22:39
Of course he is always truthful. It is illegal to tell lies in Switzerland.

23rd Mar 2006, 22:55
Voador is portuguese, only one can know about the captain ' sons in TAP or SATA.

Neither Superced is A320rider.

24th Mar 2006, 09:08
To be fair I think A320Rider gets a very bad press and a lot of what he says is true. It is better that we have a balanced view of the aviation industry (especially in terms of wannabes) as opposed to just the every thing is rosey, who cares about the debt we will get jobs eventually approach. Better to go into to all this with eyes open.

Also, if he also manages to put people off starting flight training I’ll be delighted, as maybe it will shrink the massive lake of low hour pilots fighting for a limited amount jobs.

24th Mar 2006, 10:40
I heard that you're a tyre fitter, with a dream of being a pilot but your lack of funds prevent you from being anything other than a tyre fitter. Therefore you're bitter and full of envy of all the people on this site which have excelled you. A good friend of mine works for SR Technics, Stansted maybe I could ask him if he could help you get a job changing tyres on Boeings/Airbus atleast then you will be happier working within an aviation environment.

24th Mar 2006, 11:26
Yeah, I have mentioned it before; A320rider says things that a lot of guys here don't want to hear and that's what upsets them most of the time...

Reality check; more than 2.000 recent CV's in the TNT database - so you think you're alone out there...I guess not...

One at a time we'll all get there somehow but let's not try to make 4.000 out of that 2.000 in the coming year!

24th Mar 2006, 15:34
if you don't like what I type, just do not read.
could you ,please, reject your frustration on someone else, if you do not have a job, or are out of $, why don't you call your CAA, Balpa,...

who have set the rules??? not me...
who ask you 60'0000 euro for a "pay to work" job? not me.
who make fun of you by asking you the impossible? not me.
who answer negatively to your 500-2000 CVs? not me

wake up wanabees!, this market is a joke, the aviation industry is filled with criminals(ex: the new black list)...

(falo tambem portugueish e queiro un trabalio con la TAP!!!;))

24th Mar 2006, 15:35
He is nothing more than a wannabe pilot with a huge chip on his shoulder wanting to put as many people off even thinking about becoming a pilot!!
He must have gotten a raw deal a number of times along the way for some reason or another.
Or is he just trying to become famous around these parts......full credit to him if that was his agenda....it has certainly worked!
Thats my opinion anyway!

24th Mar 2006, 15:36

Don't you lot have jobs? Is this thread in anyway productive for yourself and others ?

Thank God it's mating season and I'm feeling horney - see you at the end of the summer.;)

P.s. If you have any females that are bored of your conversation - ask them to PM me.:E


24th Mar 2006, 16:27
Unrelenting tediousnous and pompousness is a much better case for banning if you ask me.

Problem is that A320rider has apparently had so many user names, and has lied so often that suspiscion is invited. Is it not time to ban him? I don't usually advocate a ban, but this one is beyond help, refuses offers of helpful advice and simply tries to spread lies or unqualified statements that might be true in Switzerland but are irrelevant elsewhere. If he was always truthful that would be something different, but he is not.
Clowns, you are talking out of your nether regions. I'm not going to ban a poster simply because you don't like him. I reiterate for the hard of reading: A320RIDER DOES NOT HAVE ANY ALTEREGOS ON THIS BOARD

24th Mar 2006, 16:30
agree with chocks!!

24th Mar 2006, 16:48
On those grounds, a good few of you are vulnerable!


24th Mar 2006, 16:50
Oh man, we all really must be bored...

Just a question from the sideline; has A320rider really attacked anyone personally as many times as he has been attacked?

What I have seen is that he often has a very strong opinion over things but I never saw him attacking someone personally, just having a strong point of view. OK, maybe not always very optimistic but this is an open forum...:ok:

Sorry 'Send Clowns' I've appreciated some of your answers very much but you're getting obsessed man...banning people hasn't been done in Western Europe since WWII...

24th Mar 2006, 16:53
Oh yes it has! Banning is a treat I reserve for special people and special occasions! However, you're right. A320Rider has done nothing worse that post his less than rosy utlook on life and recruiting in particular. As someone else said, just because it's not what you want to hear does not mean the message isn't valid. Yes, he goes off on a conspiracy-theorist tangent occasionally, but there are a lot of people out there in his position, and it must feel like the whole aviation world's against them. I let him stay because he adds a useful balance to all the rose-tinted specs you guys see life through!


24th Mar 2006, 17:00
So Scroggs, you're the man to know; are there any personal attacks? and I'm not talking about the right to defend oneself...

And...as you just stated; if rider hasn't been banned until today, you agree there's not so much horror as the reactions claim?

24th Mar 2006, 17:01
OK, that's an answer - you're a wise man!

24th Mar 2006, 17:34
@rduarte Ora nem mais companheiro, e infelizmente é assim em todo o lado ;)

Right, I'm on the verge of start flight training during the course of this year, and although A320rider’s views are somehow radical and sometimes out of proportion, they will not make me quit just because, but I personally have to give him some credit for some things he refers to.

I will not put my head in the sand and pretend that this industry is any better than any other. We all know that flying academies/schools are in for a profit so they all have to keep their possible clients on such a high level of interest that’s almost toxic. They simply need their wannabe (cash) flowing in nicely. We also know that nobody wants to throw money out the window so all the people that joins a school has to study his arse off to get the dreadful license. If you succeed in your training, great, another bloke is out with a frozen license. What you do with that piece of paper is up to you, either frame it and put it above the fireplace, or start looking for a job whatever it takes. For the school, their work is done and another course is open and ready to be filled with more wannabes.

If you jump into it without assessing your chances of surviving the financial blow that’s coming real fast towards you it’s just “plane” crazy. So I know what I’m up against AND I’m prepared for it. No pain, no gain. What happens is that some people have the wrong idea from the very beginning i.e. if one is paying the price of a 911 Turbo in exchange for a license and a type rating ergo they feel they’re entitled to a gawd damn job at the other hand, as if they’re buying a job. Hello!!... nobody buys a job, everybody has to work their way up, just like any other job. For those of you that know something about the IT business know that if you take all kinds of our specific “type-ratings” like Micro$oft, Novell, etc it doesn’t mean you have a job just waiting for you. It only means that you have better chances of getting to the top of the pile. That’s how I understand TRs on top of the fATPL.

You’re not forced to take a TR but it sure helps. TRs are pornographically expensive, that’s true, but if you can’t get to the nice little apples on the tree top, don’t sit on your arse crying and dying of hunger, at least try to get as high as you can up that tree. Mind you, I would be very happy if one day I see myself flying a crop-duster or a fire-fighting plane. If I can fly anything with wings for a job and have the ability to pay my bills at the end of the day, that’s paradise to me.

GD&L over and out.

24th Mar 2006, 17:46
It would be a boring forum without someone like him to:

A)Wind people up
B)Be outspoken.

Also, like so many have already said, he does make some very pertinent points, just not in the most delicate of ways.

If/When he gets a job, he will start winding up people in the airline forums!

PPRuNe Towers
24th Mar 2006, 19:11
No room for him there. He's totally outclassed by our own 411a - a true legend.


24th Mar 2006, 20:09
(falo tambem portugueish e queiro un trabalio con la TAP!!!;))

(Tambem falo portugues e quero um trabalho com a TAP)

Me too ! But I am not a Cpt ' son and I have more than 35 years old.

I am Happy flying for LUZair. :ok:

24th Mar 2006, 20:58
... I would like to wind up in the cockpit or in the airline forum, but actually all I can do is to warn all wanabees that the system will take all you have and leave you with no penny in your little pockets...

not only you will face problems with your bank, but with your family, friends, girlfriends,...

the system makes fun of you, included PPrune who advertises here. Just look at the top of your screen, and yo will see all the big lies!(even big flashing banners to get your attention)

if there is someone to blame, it is the guy who manage or own this website...

you can feel free to ban me, I do not care!you have already killed me and my family!!!:{

24th Mar 2006, 21:19
A320rider - you still haven't answered the questions?

Do you hold a CPL?
Do you hold an IR?

24th Mar 2006, 21:37
Do you hold a CPL?
Do you hold an IR?Hear Hear, well do you?

25th Mar 2006, 09:16
320rider, your posts seem to be getting a little disturbing.

Whilst its good for someone to burst the bubble and spell out reality, the industry really aint that bad.

Granted, there are company’s out there that take the p:mad:s and exploit wannabes, but this happens in every walk of life.

If an individual is foolish enough to spend nearly a hundred grand without the promise of a job, then the issue should be with them and not with the company.

If you are the right side of 45, with a FATPL and have 800 hours FI time then you WILL get a job. It probably will be flying turbo props and might not happen straight away but have faith....:ok:

25th Mar 2006, 09:16
who ask you 60'0000 euro for a "pay to work" job? not me.

Jesus! I would be threaders if I had spent £400,000 on flying training:D :D

Scroggs is A320 that's why he's protecting him....................:} :} :}

Diving for cover as I type

25th Mar 2006, 09:35
A320rider opinion was a change from all the coninous bull**** spread by some finite assholes on this board, like the guy with 6000 posts (with vested interests in some obscure flight school)

25th Mar 2006, 09:49
Much of what he says is true and he has the right to say it, but it's presented in a cranky way. Why the constant changes in user name? Why pretend that you are getting an A320 rating (when you were posting as Spaceman) and why pretend to have an ERJ type rating? These are just a few of the past claims. I just don't get it!

25th Mar 2006, 09:55
Most of what A320has said is true, however its not what you say but the way you say it!!

Makes for light hearted reading though, I also think that most of us go into the industry without the rose tinted glasses and understand the pitfalls it just becomes a reality check again when we have all the ticks in the box and getting the job is considerably harder than getting the coveted CPL/IR.

Anyway back to it, so do you have a CPL / IR?


25th Mar 2006, 12:41
I reiterate for the hard of reading: A320RIDER DOES NOT HAVE ANY ALTEREGOS ON THIS BOARD
Umm.. shouldn't that be "does not have any *current* alteregos"
For example check out this thread and see if you recognise skyman68's style
You don't have to be a forensic psychologist to spot the similarities.
Even more interesting is this post below:

The person that is currently posting as [A320Rider] Skyman68 and piperindian is the same person. He has been posting here since 2001, perhaps earlier. He posted under various names, many of which have been banned. Here is a list of some of them:
[Click on the profiles and then on “search for all posts by this user” and you will see what I mean]
His original posts were quite obviously wind ups. But after a while he probably got bored of having to create a new email address to re-register every time he was banned, so he changed his style. It’s a little more subtle these days. But the same old traits are still there:
His posts are usually riddled with bad grammar, spelling and punctuation.
I’m not sure whether this is deliberate of just lazy, but he is vaguely capable of correcting it. Particularly when he is posting from an alias that claims to for the UK, such as piperindian.
He usually claims to be French.
I actually doubt he is and his French seems to be as bad as his English.
He goes out of his way to criticise the JAA.
He often claims to hold an FAA license and/or an instructor rating. He once claimed to own an FTO too.
He almost always complains about the lack of, or difficulty in getting jobs, particularly for a JAA wannabe.
This is his most consistent point. It has been the recurrent theme in almost all his posts under all his aliases.
For some unknown reason he has been on a crusade to convince people not to become pilots, particularly thought the JAA system. Perhaps he’s a failed wannabe who is can’t stand the thought of other achieving the dream that he could not. I don’t know.
What ever his reasons are, he’s a delusional charlatan with too much time on his hands. Don’t listen to a single word he says.
Kind of says it all really.
As a side note, just because his IP says he is from Switzerland doesn't mean he is. It only takes a few minutes to find and configure a public proxy.

25th Mar 2006, 13:42
Hi all,
Just my pennies worth but I was told the following truth about aviation training....

"FTO's are like Gypsies, all live in prefabricated buildings and are thieving ****ers !!!"

I have to admit that I haven't been to any FTO that's had a building made from brick and hasn't tried to rip me off :E

Happy Landings

25th Mar 2006, 13:55
Ok, this is getting silly. The effort required to establish multiple identities on different proxy servers is out of all proportion to the effect gained. I trust you aren't paranoid 0-8; you must see conspiracies and threats to your sanity at every turn!

We did have a bit of a game with Ronchonner a few years ago, and he did register a number of usernames. Unfortunately, all records of him have been wiped from Pprune, but I can confirm that Skyman68, lovefly1968, Gorky (banned) and poor-pilot were all the same person - whether they were Ronchonner or not, I can no longer say, but I do know the real name of the individual who adopted these usernames. I have the registration information from his original ID.

gorkyy, tailboom2000, Grogan, Rocherau and Arnaud have all disappeared from our records.

piperindian has been active throughout this period and posts from Belgium. I have reason to believe he also posts as skysherriff.

While it is possible to hide or disguise an IP address from detection, it's rare that any user does so on Pprune. Members with multiple IDs are easily detected using our back-office software, and commercial tracing software can establish your (or your proxy's) location reasonably accurately. The effort required to hide an identity further is just not worth the time involved for those on this forum.

The fact that a poster has somewhat idiosyncratic English normally means that they are not an native English speaker. People from a given country (or native language) often display similar idiosyncracies. I'm afraid that, as an aid to identification, it's pretty much a waste of time unless you can get a voice or handwriting trace.

This is an aviation internet forum, not Private Detective Monthly. Now grow up.


25th Mar 2006, 14:17
you must see conspiracies and threats to your sanity at every turn!
Now grow up.
What exactly did I do to deserve that response?:confused:
You call me paranoid yet go on to confirm that many of the aforementioned posters are one in the same.
I didn't research the post I was simply quoting it.

Check Mags On
25th Mar 2006, 14:22
I put it to the forum

That A320 rider is actually Colonel Mustard
He did it in the dinning room with the candlestick.

There you go problem solved.
Jim Rockford (its on the tv in the background) eat your heart out.

25th Mar 2006, 16:01
I find it mildly amusing that some of you are demanding that A320 rider reveals his qualifications. How many of you who denounce his posts are current employed pilots? If not, how do you know what he says is 100% incorrect?

His posts are amusing and they do reflect what is often the reality of the industry. Flying is great, it's the industry that sucks is a common description.

Personally I find it incredulous that many of you would rather listen to folks who've never worked in a multi crew environment or specialist aviation areas than those who have.

Caveat Emptor.

25th Mar 2006, 23:05
What exactly did I do to deserve that response?:confused:

You dared to contradict scroggs! That's enough.

25th Mar 2006, 23:13
Jim Rockford (its on the tv in the background) eat your heart out.
"$200 a day plus expenses". Got to keep the old Pontiac Firebird fuelled up!

26th Mar 2006, 16:32

I'm quite amazed that grown men are acting like school children!! I can't say I agree totally with what A320rider says all the time, but thats the idea of a democracy. Plus, it's not fair that somebody should be treated like this on a forum. If you don't like what he says don't respond!! Also, whoever commented (took the micky) on him being a tyre fitter- out of order, very snobby opinion and very patronising. Not everyone is as lucky as most of us here, having the opportunity to pursue a wonderful career.

Lets all grow up and get on with life!!


PS Scroggs dont think it was very nice to start a thread to slag somebody off.

26th Mar 2006, 16:57

Get off the computer!!!!

Sorry to everyone else on the thread but Ali 1, who must be my Mother, leapt on the computer when my back was turned.

I for one am totally chastised now and will never ever ever post anything remotely close to being critical about anyone ever ever again.

There goes my pocket money this week.:(

or B...................:E

Send Clowns
26th Mar 2006, 23:42

Not only am I a currently employed pilot, but I also worked for a school so know a lot of people who have got jobs in the last year or two. I can tell you that what A320 says is not true about the aviation industry in general. It might be true wherever he is, and it might be true about certain organisations, but he does not tell us that - he tries to make out that it is the general case. I can also tell you that his words need to be challenged for the benefit of those that want some genuine information here, and that he has refused to address my challenges, just ignored them and continued to make his gross generalisations.

Scroggs criticises people who attack A320, and implies criticism of people diverting threads for that purpose. I would respectfully disagree with Scroggs here. I believe that people like A320 can misinform others who are making serious life choices, and can do real damage to sectors of the industry where I have worked. It is A320 who diverts threads by forcing people to challenge what he says, and by refusing to address those challenge but simply ranting on with his obsessions.

If A320 made reference to real incidents or made specific note of the location, or even if he discussed the problems he has had as an example of bad practice that does occur in the industry, with reference to how he has gone about finding work then he would have a useful contribution to make. As it is he simply posts generalized whinges about issues which are often not universal. He has repeated so many times complaints that other people have already proved to be wrong that we cannot trust anything he says to be true. Therefore nothing he says can be useful to those who read this site for information on jobs in the aviation industry - which is after all the purpoise of this forum. They can only give a false impression.

27th Mar 2006, 00:18
Send clowns.... Well said!!!!!! couldnt agree more matey.

27th Mar 2006, 07:28
Oh dear.

Everybody take a step back and read the title of this place. Rumour network, right? Which implies that not all that is posted here is factual.

This is the internet, a place occupied not solely by the sensible and honest but also by those who may be delusional, mischevious, malicious and sometimes just plain wrong. While PPRuNe may be one of several sites to visit and obtain information it is not the only one and certainly anyone who makes "serious life choices" solely on the basis of some pixels is gullible in the extreme. In fact, I doubt they exist.

Whatever A320's motives may be they serve to make people consider that all may not be as perfect as training organisations would have them believe. If that causes them to pause and make further enquiries then it's a good thing.

(A320Rider. I still believe you to be a troll and judging by the responses you evoke you seem to be a half decent one. Whether you intended them to or not your posts do serve a useful purpose IMHO).

27th Mar 2006, 07:50
A320rider is useful in presenting a counter-case for the' lets get out our cheque book...' gun-ho attitude of some...

He can be amusing and is a kind of celebrity - we may miss him if he left

27th Mar 2006, 15:14
This is an aviation internet forum, not Private Detective Monthly. Now grow up.

You started it!:p

27th Mar 2006, 18:03
This is so funny.

Those of you who think that A320 rider speaketh the truth are off your rockers:

all I can do is to warn all wanabees that the system will take all you have and leave you with no penny in your little pockets...

is not correct as lots of wannabes get jobs. The industry is expanding so they must do.

I do however believe that he should be allowed to say what he wants as long as it isn't personally deflamitory.

27th Mar 2006, 19:41
wow, I don't know A320Rider but if he has his own thread then he must be a superstar on pprune !!!

king rooney
28th Mar 2006, 09:32
A320 rider rules!

28th Mar 2006, 09:48
Who remembers the Pink Headsets fiasco that went on in Private Flying a couple of years ago? This thread could become just as revered and hated! Or at least it would if A320 would actually get up on his donated soap box and talk to us, he seems to be very quiet at the moment.

Oh hang on I remember, he's gone to dodge bullets in Africa!

A320, if I ever win the lottery I will buy you a type rating of your choice.

28th Mar 2006, 10:15
Send Clowns,

Carly Simon wrote a song about you...... :hmm:

28th Mar 2006, 10:47
Flinty old chap, I suspect our troll is laughing his way to his BBJ!! ;) :\

28th Mar 2006, 11:28
Well said RedSnail, couldn't agree with you more, amazes me how much time he has on his hands in the first place!!!!!!

And well done A320 rider on managing to generate an entire post dedicated just to you. Personally I reckon you are a legend, pessimistic one at that, but still a legend. A lot of what you say rings true, albeit mostly negative - but humorous nontheless! Keep up your banter, and should I ever meet you in a bar one day - the beers are on me...

28th Mar 2006, 21:47
C'mon saffer, dont encourge him.... and can you imagine how intollerable he could become after a beer or two.. all that depressive defeatest talk.
The world isnt ready for that... If you should bump into him, please, just a britvic55 (or similar fruit based drink) ought to keep things on the level... or atleast his level.


360 degree mason
28th Mar 2006, 22:21
He deserves a "Ppruner of the year award", IMHO. He's very entertaining, but there's some degree of truth behind what he is saying.

You have got to have a sense of humour, sometimes.:)

Send Clowns
29th Mar 2006, 11:28
reddo - you asked how many, and I presume therefore you include everyone who was criticising A320's posts. Or do I somehow not count because I am employed as a pilot, and so suggesting that your own argument was flawed. Makes it a rather circular argument, if you ask how many are employed then complain that those who are shouldn't assume they are being asked. Like a politician or lawyer, knowing how to ask a question so you can only get the answer you want.


So how can it ring true if he fails to actually back up what he says? What are the stories you have to back up what you say? How do you know so much about the business? Those of us pointing out A320's dishonest posting have given reasoned argument, so where are those from A320 or those saying he is right, and I mean reasoned arguments not non-specific whinges A320 regularly attaches to any thread he feels like diverting? Curious by their absence.

If you knew anything about the aviation charter business you would know why charter pilots have a lot of spare time. Sometimes we are just waiting for a flight, not the most exciting thing in the world, but the flying side is great. Hence why I sometimes have several days off posting, when I am flying all day (or all night!).

360 degree

I would ask the same of you as I asked Saffer - how do you know so much, what is the reasoned basis for saying A320 is right when he has been proved to have lied?

29th Mar 2006, 12:32
looney tunes ^^^^^^^

Send Clowns
29th Mar 2006, 12:51
Is that an example of sharp wit?

29th Mar 2006, 14:18
Glad you agree. A320 has the hallmarks of a good troll. Start a thread, stir it up then sit back and watch except this time he's gone one better and had someone start it for him.

I mean, look how hard some people have bitten :rolleyes: . A nerve or two been touched here methinks.

Carry on children, play nicely.

29th Mar 2006, 15:38
So Send Clowns,

What exactly is it that I said that I need to back up? I said I would buy him a beer, and I’m more than willing to back that up.

In terms of my knowledge of the industry, well who are you to assume my standing and experience. No, I’m not in the fortunate position to be paid to fly…..I am merely one of those with a frozen ATP, the kind that you like to assume a position of authority over. However my daily dealings and experience within both BGA and Commercial aviation, across all aspects of an organisation from Finance to Chief Pilots certainly allows me to make a judgement on the state of the industry if I so choose. At the end of the day it is my opinion, it’s an educated opinion and I am entitled to it – it is after all a forum, surely!

As for our friend, A320 – he has his opinion. Much of it is tongue in cheek; he’s posting in a language foreign to him and obviously feels let down by the industry. He’s not hijacking posts, and the only people he’s upsetting are those with an axe to grind and he knows it!

Of your 6,155 postings on this site, it seems like half of them have been dedicated to responding to A320 and venting on him. The other half, I might add, have actually been quite informative and helpful responses…

Who knows, maybe one day we will meet when you get on the line!

Send Clowns
29th Mar 2006, 16:39
How aboutA lot of what you say rings trueDoes this not need reasoning to back it up? On the other hand where did I assume your standing in the industry? Where do I assume a position of authority over you?

I agree that you have given your opinion, which is useful. However you have previously not given more than that; as you acknowledge I pointed out you have not backed it which would have made it far more useful. You have hinted now at working in the industry, but still don't come up with arguments for why A320 is right, despite many posts pointing out incorrect posts he has made and the fact he usually omits, that he is only looking for jet jobs (as he has all but admitted, by sneering at single-crew and t'prop pilots, in addition to his pseudonym) and so misinforming people who do not have his obsession. In the past A320 has hijacked threads.

Notice that A320 has always refused to be drawn into commiting his reasoning and his background to the argument. Therefore even if he is correct he is not helping people make informed decisions! In my opinion his misrepresentations need to be challenged, to be fair to those that are new to the industry and trying to make a decision that will affect the whole of he remainder of their lives. Hence why I feel he needs a response. If we leave such disinformation unchallenged then this site becomes useless!

We might meet, I hope so, but I am on the line already. In fact we might already have met!

As for half my posts being on A320, look at my personal title! More than half my posts are elsewhere.