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View Full Version : Patriot Aviation going under?

23rd Mar 2006, 08:49
Heard they have now also lost the AOC?

23rd Mar 2006, 19:02
First I have heard of it, but a lot of companies use other operators AOCs, so this may be happening, not unusual.

I hear that they have also now employed a new Engineering Manager, Mr T. B., another Manager...........

I have heard on the rumour network that the 145 approval may have been at risk if they did not employ one.

Are they now an up an running Bell Service Centre, it has gone very quiet since the announcement at Heli Tech.

Airmech II
23rd Mar 2006, 19:31
Rumors,Rumors,Rumors I can assure you all it is total and utter rubbish. Mr TB has not been employed as Engineering Manager, Mr KP has been employed as that . Their 145 was never in danger due to no permanent EM as I've been caretaking the role for the last 6 months Pre keith's arrival with full CAA approval. I'm also their CAM and have yet to hear that the AOC is shut so please let me know if it is. FYI they are the Bell dealers for the UK and Eire .

24th Mar 2006, 07:49
If Mr K. P. is E. M, what is Mr T. B.

I hope people realise that a rumour can possibly have serious effects on a company, where did the AOC rumour start from, a competitor I suspect.

Regarding the Bell Dealership, does anybody know if Patriot are offering full technical / spares support for the range of Helicopters, or is it a sales agreement.

Be nice to have another Bell spares supplier in Europe.

Airmech II
24th Mar 2006, 15:51
Mr T B will be the C M .....I think !!!! Yes Patriot will be providing full technical and spares support including the full Overhaul workshop facility , they have employed extra engineers to facilitate this, including K P as the E M . Rumors drive me bonkers and if I was daft or childish enough to spread them via this site then plenty of questions would be asked in a great many companies. If anyone would like to post an idea of where the rumors stem from then you would be held in a much higher opinion by myself.(Not that it counts for bugger all.) Oh yeah is it true that Sloanes are replacing all their engineers with robots and Starspeed are offering R22 trips to the Moon ?
Happy Days

24th Mar 2006, 18:00
[QUOTE=If anyone would like to post an idea of where the rumors stem from then you would be held in a much higher opinion by myself.(Not that it counts for bugger all.) Oh yeah is it true that Sloanes are replacing all their engineers with robots and Starspeed are offering R22 trips to the Moon ?
Happy Days[/QUOTE]

I think the latter is possibly true, but not using the R-22, only twins as of course Class 1 performance is required on the moon. :ok:

24th Mar 2006, 19:56
Airmech II is the concept of this website lost on you completely? PPRUNE – Professional Pilots rumour Network. This is why we post here to find out if its true, but judging by your defensive response I wonder if there is more turmoil brewing at Patriot?
Slow down mate its not a dig at you it’s a rumour network.

Good flying

24th Mar 2006, 21:28
Airmech II is the concept of this website lost on you completely? PPRUNE – Professional Pilots rumour Network.
Also not a dig, but this is a Professional Pilots Rumour Network. :ok:

24th Mar 2006, 23:49
Also not a dig, but this is a Professional Pilots Rumour Network.Also not a dig but there is this bit at the bottom of the screen that says -

As these are anonymous forums the origins of the contributions may be opposite to what may be apparent. In fact the press may use it, or the unscrupulous, to elicit certain reactions.

Airmech II
25th Mar 2006, 09:10
"Airmech II is the concept of this website lost on you completely?"
No far from it, but think about this one SouthXross. Say your name was "Buzz Armstrong" and I started a thred saying that Buzz had oversped 4 aircraft and never reported them and then they had all subsequently failed in flight with 10 fatalities, you were being investigated by the CAA for PT work on a cash basis in an N registered machine and that you were having an affair with your Chief Pilot. Would you feel slightly aggrieved that I had started this rumor based on no fact whatsoever or would you think "Ah well that's what the internet is for"
End of subject chaps, enjoy your site for what it is.

25th Mar 2006, 12:02
Well you live and learn. I never knew Neil Armstrong had a rotary license.

25th Mar 2006, 13:25
...or do you mean Buzz Aldrin...:p
Maybe he's a clone grown from cells taken from the rectum of both Armstrong and Aldrin during the NASA tests:bored:
The first attempt was a dismal failure :(
Neil Aldrin was his name, and I used to go to school with his sister :ok: