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just short
21st Mar 2006, 16:29
Too old to begin a career as a commercial heli pilot at 46 ? What are the chances of getting a job ?

21st Mar 2006, 17:01
Yes and/or no. It depends on lots of variables.

Try a search - the topic has been covered many times before so you should be able to dig up many opinions.

21st Mar 2006, 17:14
Click here: FAQ: Training (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=122944)

Includes 'Am I too old?'

What Limits
21st Mar 2006, 18:22

Is it possible to make the FAQs a sticky at the top of the forum like they do on others? That way several questions that come up way too often will be answered by this?



just short
21st Mar 2006, 19:02
Your thought about a "sticky" is good, providing it contains up to date info and is not made up of old generic answers. The reading suggested by the previous posts has been very informative and is fairly new. Quite amusing thoughts on the migration of the IT industry. Perhaps you have to work in this industry to understand the need to get out from behind a computer screen to an industry which provides a miriad of other challenges, not least of which is finding a job. Don't loose sight of the fact that its good to have a dream....and a pint !

22nd Mar 2006, 19:58
What Limits

I'm torn between the obvious advantage you point out and a dislike of permanent 'stickies'.

I tend to post a link and either close the new thread immediately or allow it to slip off the main page and then merge it with the main topic if something new/useful has been posted. If nothing is posted which adds to our information database, I just let it fade away.

We've had a spate of very similar 'career' and 'change of career' questions recently. Perhaps because Spring is in the air. :)
