View Full Version : 737 Rating

21st Mar 2006, 14:37
Hey guys,

Just some quick thoughts and views.

If you had the money, would it be wise to go to NW, Comair or similar for a 737 convex with the hope of landing a job with them afterwards? With a Twin/comm/if less than 300 hours?

I personally dont have the miney, so basically asking out of curiosity...(If I win the lotto or something, the info would be usefull!!!:) :) )


Romeo E.T.
21st Mar 2006, 15:29
Nationwide doesn't have sim facilities, they use Comair's or SAA's sim thus dont bother asking Nationwide.
Comair does external 737 conversion training, but will not employ you until you have 1000 to 1200 hrs total time.
Nationwide might employ you when you have somewhere over 500 hrs (See the thread about Scully's daughter and Nationwide employment) and if you have the 737 rating done, then your "gat-kruip" chances are greater.

My advise is buy a Cessna Van or Beech 1900 rating, at 300 hours your chances of employment are much better this way.