View Full Version : Financial Losses Due To Deployments

16th Mar 2006, 21:54
Just thinking the other day that as many of us are now spending more time out of UK just how much unrecoverable money is lost in monthly subscriptions etc. Items that come to mind and some will be more relevant to singlies. A few examples;
Internet charges, Community Charge, Telephone line rental, Sky/Top Up TV, GYM/Club subscriptions, Accommodation rental/Mortgage, Road Tax, Sat Nav Subscriptions, Telephone Service Monthly Charges, TV Licence, Car Insurance and Payments, to name but a few. I am quite sure that the welfare packages and LSSA (especially if you lose 40% of it with tax) barely makes this up. Just a thought.

Door Slider
16th Mar 2006, 22:49
Valid points, Cant think of any job that would reimburse you for these loses though.
After all these are individual lifestlye choices.
I'm sure most of us are in the same position, unfortunately the choice is either take the hit or cancel your subscriptions
Just think how much more beer could be bought lol

17th Mar 2006, 06:35
I posed these same questions to Southside and he assures me there are no real issues here:

Internet charges - Luxury, not needed as you are away so much so cancel it.
Community Charge - Tough we all have to pay it
Telephone line rental - if you are away so much then cancel it. The service welfare package is so good, you do not need a telephone
Sky/Top Up TV - Whats wrong with the BBC
GYM/Club subscriptions - Services provide excellent Gym facilities - so a luxury that you can cancel
Accommodation rental/Mortgage, The forces are spending £millions on SLAM accomodation, so move back on camp
Road Tax - No need for car if you live on camp with the excellent food and accomodation, not forgetting the excellent messes and NAAFI bars. Sell the car and walk the 200yds to work
Sat Nav Subscriptions - Come on- its only 200 yds to work, why do you need a sat-nav, its a sellable luxury
Telephone Service Monthly Charges - Get rid, use a service call
TV Licence - Who buys one of them living in
Car Insurance and Payments - Like I said, sell the car and walk to work
I am quite sure that the welfare packages and LSSA (especially if you lose 40% of it with tax) barely makes this up. You are lucky enough to be paid a wage where you are in the higher tax bracket.

All in all, where'e the problem.:rolleyes:

You do have a good point though.

The Swinging Monkey
17th Mar 2006, 06:41

Several years ago, I made a point of this with my car insurance co' At the time, I was spending probably 8 months of the year out of the country.
What I got back from them was quite a shock! They said that if I wanted to put that in writing they would look at it, NOT with a view to a refund, but with the possibility of increasing my premium! They said that as I was not 'regularly' driving in this country I was a greater risk. I kept quiet!
Be careful old boy!!
Kind regards

17th Mar 2006, 07:32
And even if you do live off-base, you should be cycling/running to work in order to keep yourself at peak fitness, ready for an immmediate call-out to join Trust-me's next foray into come-as-you-are, bring an SA-80, expeditionary warfare. :ok:

Pontius Navigator
17th Mar 2006, 09:00
And add on the wear on the car tyres for not being rotated, the sweating in the engine and internal body work. The moisture buildup on internal trim etc.

I was lucky on our emergency deployment. All our cars were put in a hangar for free. Fortunately it started first time.

With a modern all electric motor their can be a drain on the electrics when just laid up. Factor in the AA-MT call out.

Also, sods law, it will be dark and wet when you return and need the car to get home.