View Full Version : Pilots, pilots, pilots (and LAEs of course!)

13th Mar 2006, 09:51
This article appeared recently:

Pawan Hans faces staff exodus
Pilots, avionics engineers, AMEs quit in droves

March 2006

Pawan Hans is in trouble. The government-owned helicopter service, which mostly caters to ONGC's offshore operations, is facing a serious problem. with rising staff exodus. The villains are the same: poachers from the private airlines and helicopter charter operators.

Higher salaries in the private sector are luring Pawan Hans (Golden Swan, translated) pilots, avionics engineers and aircraft maintenance engineers (AMEs) to Kingfisher Airlines, Go Air and chopper charter operator Global Vectra. The employees are lured by salaries which are ofte more than double the figure offered by Pawan Hans.

For the private sector poachers too, it is more economical to recruit from low-paid government airlines and Pawan Hans than the more expensive talent pools in rival private airlines.

The AMEs with Pawan Hans can upgrade to become airplane AMEs after writing an exam. For them, the salary difference is big enough to switch to a career with planes.

Currently, existing staff in Pawan Hans are working overtime to fulfill duties. It is believed that the last three months have seen the exiot of 25 AMEs. More are on way out.

Pawan Hans management is yet to devise a strategy to cub the exit of trained talent. In government-owned airlines like Air India, Air India Express and Indian Airlines, pilots and employees had agitated to get salary hikes. But in Pawan Hans, it seems the staff are quietly on their way out. Until the management wakes up and finds solutions to the issue, the staffers remain easy target to poachers from private airlines.

14th Mar 2006, 04:20
Maybe the private sector is not the Villan here, maybe its Pawan Hans. Their is a simialr situation brewing at a so called up and coming "Australian" Helicopter Company. Their will be a large exodos of both Pilots and Engineers there to, if the company doesn't match there competition in both Conditions and Salaries.

14th Mar 2006, 04:58
What do you mean, and what have you heard????:oh:

14th Mar 2006, 09:17
Pawan Hans management is yet to devise a strategy to cub the exit of trained talent. In government-owned airlines like Air India, Air India Express and Indian Airlines, pilots and employees had agitated to get salary hikes. But in Pawan Hans, it seems the staff are quietly on their way out. Until the management wakes up and finds solutions to the issue, the staffers remain easy target to poachers from private airlines.[/QUOTE]

So they are yet to devise a stategy to keep their trained employees happy eh?
Well if the give me a salary with some paid holidays and return air ticket to their head office, I will give them a great strategy. It works 90% of the time.