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View Full Version : CTC INTEGRITY?

11th Mar 2006, 06:21
Content deleted until I get an explanation.


Reverand Lovejoy
11th Mar 2006, 07:59

Would love to know what on earth your post was on about. Can't make head nor tail of the whole thing. Egg??! I am going to stage 3 on the 4th April and am intrigued. Any info and the source would be helpful

The Reverand

11th Mar 2006, 09:15

What is your motive behind behind the post?

CTC are highly regarded as an FTO and, speaking from personal experience of the ATP scheme, have made it possible for many a capable low hours pilot to make a great career start with airlines in difficult times.

So from my perspective their integrity is first class - do you think otherwise?

11th Mar 2006, 10:14
Hi Silverhawk,

I too would like to know your reasons for the above post as I am going through the assessment phases with CTC at the moment.

It seems that throughout many of the threads people are referring to FTO's as organisations that try and make money in anyway possible.


FTO's rely on integrity and success rates to attract students to the programs that they offer, if indeed the services they offer and their results are poor, students and airlines alike would not be approaching them for their training services. As 47club quoted CTC have an excellent reputation for providing flight training and placing graduates to airlines.

At the end of the day, flight training is extremely expensive... however FTO's are a business and they are trying to make maximum profitablility where possible... sad but true! :eek: It seems as though students and wannabe's look at FTO's as though they should be doing them a favour... it needs to be realised that we live in a world that revolves around money, and these FTO's want to make as much as possible!


11th Mar 2006, 12:36
Until Silverhawk explains his position and allegations to the moderators, the thread will remain closed.
