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View Full Version : Just Another Day In A GOM'ers Life!

10th Mar 2006, 16:23
Subject: Cajun Talk

A GOM pilot named Boudreaux been fish'n down by de bayou all day

and he done run outa nightcrawlers.

He be bout reddy to leave when he seen a snake wif a big frog in his mouf.

He knowed dat dem big bass fish like dem frogs, so he decided to steal dat froggie.

Dat snake, he be a cotton mouf water moccasin,

so he had to be real careful or he'd git bit.

He snuk up behin' dat snake and grabbed him roun de haid.

Dat ole snake din't lak dat one bit. He squirmed and wrap hisself roun' Boudreaux's arm

try'n to git hisself free. But Boudreaux, him had a real good grip on his haid, yeh.

Well, Boudreaux pried his mouf open and got de frog and puts it in his bait can.

Now, Boudreaux knows dat he cain't let go dat snake or he's gonna bite him good,

but he had a plan.

He reach into de back pocket of his bib overhauls and pulls out a pint a moonshine likker.

He pour some drops into de snake's mouf.

Well, dat snake's eyeballs roll back in his haid and his body go limp. Wit dat, Boudreaux toss dat snake into de bayou.

Den he goes back to fishin'. A while later Boudreaux dun feel sumpin' tappin' on his barefoot toe.

He slowly look down and dare wuz dat water moccasin ........

An Hot damn! De he be wif two more frogs ! ;)

10th Mar 2006, 18:37
For today's display-my-ignorance moment, what's a GOM?

10th Mar 2006, 18:57
I think in this instance, GOM refers to the area of operations for some brave and hardy soles, known as the Gulf of Mexico.
Or was it a trick question? In which case, it's Friday evening, and my G&T needs refreshing.

10th Mar 2006, 21:27
Sorry, haven't found a smiley that does 'taking the urine'.

10th Mar 2006, 22:19

Dat wuz wun hell of a story!

11th Mar 2006, 16:17

As over 1500 are whining over his former employers - you do the math!

crop duster
11th Mar 2006, 19:19
Since catching them frogs me and Mike (he don't like to be called de snake, him) have become good buds. De udder night me and Mike caught up with Tibodeaux and his girly friend Marie parked in his truck out by bayou LaFourche watching the sun gone down, them. We been ridin around in my truck drinkin cold beer when Mike bein smart like him is decided it would be funy if I tossed him in the window of them's truck. So, me and Mike, we slip up beside dat truck and I flung him rat in the window of that der truck. At that very time I heared the most wild comotion I ever hear as both them doors flung temselves open and Tib and Marie jump out so scared that they both had jumped out so fast that they clothes would be left behind. Last we seen of them they be naked as jay birds runnin like the life be left out from them. Mike, him, thought it be good idee to get gone before they come back and find out jest what happened, them.

12th Mar 2006, 09:41
Hey Sasman, is dem your roots showin threw?

13th Mar 2006, 16:04
The only other meaning for 'Gomer' that I know of is 'Get out of my Emergency Room.'

A doctor friend told me about an elderly gentleman asking, after his emergency operation, 'What does it mean, Doctor, when someone says, "Why don't we just let the old gomer die?"' It turns out that people under anaesthesia often hear and remember things that are said in the OR.

SASless might have found some way of being paid for his posts. Perhaps this IS his work! He might well seem to have a grudge against a certain operator of red, white and blue helicopters but we all have our little quirks. Some of the stuff he comes up with, such as that loon with the little jet engines fastened to his boots, well, without him where would we have found that sort of stuff on our own? (What I was really hoping to see was the scene where one engine is at full chat when the other one flames out, because that rig looked as if it had a Vmc of about Mach 3.)

Save the really good stuff for the PMs, though! No sense telling everyone.

and Tompkins
13th Mar 2006, 17:44
Crop Duster ...

Oak Grove, LA ... Wow! Someone else from God's Country! Woo-hoo!

13th Mar 2006, 21:32

I don't believe SASLess is paid for his comments or posts.

This would require WORK.

Chas A

crop duster
14th Mar 2006, 00:05
Crop Duster ...
Oak Grove, LA ... Wow! Someone else from God's Country! Woo-hoo!
He frequently stops by for a visit.