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View Full Version : First choice interview

8th Mar 2006, 13:34
Hi Guys,
I have an assesment on the 27th March for First Choice Airline out of Gatwick. Has anyone been and if so could they give me any clues as to what the day will consist of. How difficult was the maths test? :ugh: etc.
I would appreciate any info.
Thanks in advance,
Crewboy.:) :)

8th Mar 2006, 14:21
Hi I was just wondering when you got invited to the interview? I applied recently but don't know if I got in before the cut-off for this year seen as I have heard nothing so far, Thanks in advance.

8th Mar 2006, 15:24
Hi I was just wondering when you got invited to the interview? I applied recently but don't know if I got in before the cut-off for this year seen as I have heard nothing so far, Thanks in advance.

I applied in November and was meant to go for interview in Jan but could 'nt go. I only phoned up yesterday after seeing their website and realised they were still recruiting and explained why I could'nt go in Jan so they told me to come at end of March. I think they are still recruiting for Gatwick only (but dont take my word for it) But it did take them 3 months to reply back after initial application.
Give em a call to ask the same question as you did to me. They were very nice .
Good luck and let me know what they say, we might end up on the same assesment day.

11th Mar 2006, 12:24
i heard that for most bases they are currently doing a holding pool system because they have enough now, but dont quote me on it!!

the interview is really fun, and the maths is easy as long as you take a calculator!! one tip, hot up on your currency conversion!! i didnt have a clue how to do it so i guessed. my answers made sense but it just added a little extra bit of stress!

good luck!
Jenni x

14th Mar 2006, 10:52

Is your interview morning or afternoon? I am going to the afternoon interview on the 27th :)

17th Mar 2006, 11:27
Hey SKY82,
I'm going to the aftrenoon, so will see you there.