View Full Version : spatial awareness tests

Lara crofts pants
8th Mar 2006, 12:42
I have an interview day with a large airline coming up soon. As part of the day you sit a spatial awareness test. I have worked through an aptitude test workbook and found their spatial awareness section to be very difficult.

Does anyone have any top tips for the best way to get better? I found the Qs where you have to compare shapes (rotated, mirrored etc) and say which are the same most tricky.

Is it just the case that you can either see the answer easily or not?

many thanks in anticipation

8th Mar 2006, 13:50
Spatial awareness can't really be learned, it's an innate talent. That said, don't expect to get all the questions right! The tests are devised so as to give a range of results, rather than to allow those with the required aptitude to get 100%.


8th Mar 2006, 14:11
There's an EXCELLENT book a friend of mine found in the US for general mechanical reasoning and Spatial Awareness.

How to prepare for the Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Tests

In soft-back (paper back) cover. Printed by "BARRON'S" in the US.

ISBN: 0-7641-2340-8. www.barronseduc.com

Price $17:00 USD. Try "amazon.com" or "ebay.com".

Very good. Of course this may be a time wasting exercise if you have the tests very soon.

Good Luck. PS In these tests, the key is to be as sharp yet as calm and composed as possible. No problem to you at all:ok: .

8th Mar 2006, 16:11
some people don't even know what is right and left, south and north, etc.
when you look at a chart in a plane, and you are flying south, everything on the right of your chart is west and not east.
some pilots are easily lost, they can simply not imagine a aviation chart and find themselve lost after 30-60 minutes flight....

this is things like that they want see. If you can link perception with imaginative direction.if you can close your eyes, and somone give you directions to take, can you find your way???

this is specially important when you fly in full IR, and controllers give you several vectors, can you tell where you are and when you are going to intercept the ILS?are you on base, final, downwind, or are you lost again???

you can not really train yourself, but do you like games like pacman, rubix cube, labyrinth games, puzzles, do you build models with a plan?do you find the exit in a big shop (with a plan help) when lost?or do you panic?did you practice orientation course at school?can you find your way in a big airport just by looking at the infoplan?

if you can answer yes, you will not have any problem.
I am always surprised by the number of person, who do not know how to use a chart....kind of people who needs a GPS!and when their GPS is down, they freak out!

Good luck.

8th Mar 2006, 23:41
A320 Rider, would you find your way to success??
I hope it for you...:rolleyes: