View Full Version : FORUM "Do you think the current ALAEA executive will be negotiating our EBA"

hannibal lector
6th Mar 2006, 09:05
Who do you think will be negotiating the lames eba this year, i dont think our current exec will be

but who will


The masked goatrider
6th Mar 2006, 09:23
With the risk of having another thread closed I will attempt to answer without offending anyone.

There is an election mid year for all positions on the Executive. If the senior officials are re-elected, expect the same team as last time negotiating the agreement headed by the Industrial Manager CR. They are also talking about hiring the former manager of Line Maint Mr BD to assist.

If the reform group get up there will be no CR. They intend to employ a professional negotiator to take on the role. As far as they are concerned, engineers are employed to fix aircraft, not negotiate multi million dolar agreements.

So the choice will be up to the members.

hannibal lector
6th Mar 2006, 09:42
Nice to hear from you again MGR.
You are dead right, this exec will be voted out and a new elected group will be formed, i just hope they are true to there words.