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2nd Mar 2006, 07:52
New CASA Regulations

1000.A No pilot or pilots, or person or persons acting on the direction or suggestion or supervision of the pilot or pilots may try, or attempt to try or make or make attempt to try to comprehend or understand any or all, in whole or in part of the herein mentioned Civil Aviation Regulations, except as authorized by the Administrator or an agent appointed by, or inspected by the Administrator.

1000.B If the pilot, or group of associated pilots becomes aware of, or realizes, or detects, or discovers or finds that he, or she, or they, are or have been beginning to understand the Civil Aviation Regulations, they must immediately, within three (3) days notify, in writing, the Administrator.

1000.C Upon receipt of the above mentioned notice of impending comprehension, the Administrator will immediately rewrite the Civil Aviation Regulations in such a manner as to eliminate any further comprehension hazards.

1000.D The Administrator may, at his or her option, require the offending pilot, or pilots, to attend remedial instruction in civil Aviation Regulations until such time that the pilot is too confused to be capable of understanding anything.

Disco Stu
2nd Mar 2006, 08:53
Where have you been flywatcher this has been the case for the 36 years I've been flying.

Disco Stu:confused:

2nd Mar 2006, 09:59
1000.C Upon receipt of the above mentioned notice of impending comprehension, the Administrator will immediately rewrite the Civil Aviation Regulations in such a manner as to eliminate any further comprehension hazards.

1000.C.A Any rewrite of above mentioned regulation will be conducted in a manner as to all assiciaiated cost of rewriting encompassing any but not all of associated costs of Staff and Stationary, will be paid by all of said persons who verges on the awareness of comprehension of said regulation. the cost shall be no less than 1 arm, or if 1 arm is not available, meaning all who have or hold any level of Medical, then the cost shall be considered on a sliding scale in reference to the applicants earning ablity to a level to stifle any hope of thurthering their career.

2nd Mar 2006, 10:56
Where have you been flywatcher this has been the case for the 36 years I've been flying.

Disco Stu:confused:

must have only just received the amendments in the mail. better late than never. well done airservices :ok:

Arm out the window
2nd Mar 2006, 11:00
Notwithstanding Para 1000C.A, the requirement to provide one arm (left or right) will be considered waived if one (1) testicle, or ovary as applicable, is furnished.
Medical verification of procedures as required will be overseen at a rate of $165 per operation, or one (1) payment unit (adjusted to CPI), whichever is greater.

Towering Q
2nd Mar 2006, 13:36
Notwithstanding Regulation 1000.a, a pilot, or pilots, shall, so far as is practible, conduct all operations, and operations in company with others, in accordance with the herein mentioned Civil Aviation Regulations.

Without limiting the generality of subsection (a), a pilot, or pilots, contravene that subsection if they knowingly commit an act or omission, or attempt to commit an act or make an omission, or begins to put his, or her, intentions into execution by commencing an act that is more than merely preparatory to the commission of the offence, commits an offence.

It is immaterial, except so far as regards punishment, whether the pilot, or pilots, do all that is necessary on his, or her part for completing the commission of the offence, or whether the complete fulfilment of his, or her, intention is prevented by circumstances independent of his, or her, will.