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25th Feb 2006, 19:28
tell me guys...
what do your family think about all this aviation business?.
my family is sometimes mad at me and make me lot of reproches, they see all these $ I have spent and still no flying job in view.

I say to them :"thats the way it is,I can simply go to hell, because nobody care of pilots", in many other business you have to pay for your training and I am not responsible(and can not) to create jobs in Europe to make pilots happy.I try to explain them that pax don't want pay anymore(ticket at 0.1 euro with ryanair), and it s why pilots are bad treated...they don't understand.

the problem come from these people from the old generation(my parents), who have received jobs, trainings, ...very easily during the years 1970-1980, and now retired, they do not understand why it is so hard to find a well paid job.They still think pilots make big money and go in nice hotels,...the usual cliche!

they think I am the only pilot with no job. When they fly with an airline(a low cost), they say: "see these guys have job", so I say:"of course, you look at what you see only , but you do not look at the thousand pilots with no jobs who would love to be in this plane,..."

any comment?

(sorry for my english, not my 1 st language)

25th Feb 2006, 19:52
what does your family think?

They think you would be better off at mcdonalds flipping burgers!:p

Frank Furillo
26th Feb 2006, 08:31
Seeing that i took the bait....... My family are proud as hell.

26th Feb 2006, 08:54
my parents hate the ide of me wanting to become a pilot.

They want me to become a doctor :P


26th Feb 2006, 09:29
Sorry but I think your parents are right.Why paying so much money for your training especially type rating without a contract which only gives you hopes that as long as you have the money you are ok for the job.
Unfortunately becoming an airline pilot (I would say fortunately!!) is not about money but about who you are and your attitude and capabilities for the job!!you can have all the money in the world to pay for the type ratings etc..and still being unemployed..So many examples around me that I am not even listening to their complains anymore.
If for a start people would stop having this attitude then maybe you would have more chance to get a job because you really want it and you love flying not because you have the money!!!:yuk:

David_Lid Air
26th Feb 2006, 11:01
My parents are really proud of me. And so am i! Why shouldnt i? i have been dreaming about this since as long as i can remember. Even when i was a little kid i wanted to be a pilot and my interest in aviation has just grown bigger.

How many does have the possibility to become what they have always dreamt to be?

I do not want to work with something that is not interresting to me, so i had to choose between.

1. Continue working as i did before with someting that i didn´t like+crappy pay and just dream about flying.

2. Educate to something that you could make money at and still continue dreaming about being a pilot.

3. Do the pilot training and at least try to be hired and realize the dream.

If i can´t find a job then i tried at least. But one thing is for sure, i wont give up my dream easily.

26th Feb 2006, 12:25
my parents were proud of me (in the past), when I obtained m license.
They expected I got a job by snaping my fingers, and airlines will line up for me.I had to explain them, it s not the way it works. But still, they think if you have a license, airlines owns you a job automatically.
Now, in a certain way, they blame me because I have not been trained "correctly"(I mean by "" that many airlines want more than just a cpl license). financially they have help me a little....(50%)so they have hoped things would have been easier for me.

Send Clowns
26th Feb 2006, 13:13
May I ask what type of work you are considering, A320? Your chosen name does suggest a desire to get into a jet, but are you looking for any type of flying you can get? Are you trying to get all the flying you can? Or is your family pressing you to look only at the outwardly-prestigious jobs in jets?

The country you are looking in could be relevant as well.

26th Feb 2006, 13:45
A320rider may get a bad press here, but I have to say that this post streuck a chord with me. Family approval is very important to most of us, but it's vital that you tell your family the whole story - including the fact that notwithstanding you passing the CPL/IR etc, you may very well not get a job, or at least not straightaway. It's this not giving all the information that will turn pride into disappointment, especially if your family have financially backed you.

It's a tough world, and not just in aviation. Most families will support their own through thick and thin, but don't take that support for granted; keep them informed and don't give them too many unpleasant surprises.


26th Feb 2006, 14:15
what stroke me, it 's the number of passengers who are unaware of the situation.Last time I explained to some visits we had a few months ago, that pilots are not rich like they could think(you are pilot, uhhhh! I have a daughter to marry if you are interested!!!).
So I argument about the low cost airlines with 0.99euro ticket, ...reducing operating costs,...

if these people have kids, they will get the bad news after "sponsoring" their kid(like me when I was younger) but, in no way, these parents are ready to pay more for their holydays on a suny beach of Florida.

(btw their daughter is not interested by me any more, now they know how much is left on my bank account :(!!!I just have to make a hole in my blue CAA license for sex)

26th Feb 2006, 14:20
What do they think? That I am nuts!! :sad:

There are more than a few who (like myself I am sure), count the cost in both financial and personal (loss) terms. But hey it is fun :hmm: Well, the flying bit is :}

27th Feb 2006, 09:07
I reckon A320Rider could write a book .... His posts are always amusing
he is a comic genius ...

It you did that ... you may be able to pay for the A320 hours that you need to get on ...:)

wheels up
27th Feb 2006, 10:32
A while back my brother in law says to me " I heard that XYZ has also just got his PPL"

I didn't even bother explaining.

27th Feb 2006, 10:44
Family adores me for stepping upto the challenge to do something I've always wanted.

27th Feb 2006, 13:44
My family supports me all the way and actually has pushed me initially to go for it when I was wondering if I was made for the job as a pilot. Most importantly though my father is the cautioning objective voice who helps me, although an aviation outsider, see the job prospects realistically.

27th Feb 2006, 17:58
As a father of a commercial pilot I am proud as heck that my boy is living his dream. Some go through life hating to go to work, some find each day an adventure, I like that my boy has found his adventure.

27th Feb 2006, 19:28
mine are proud that I WANT to be a pilot.

Piltdown Man
27th Feb 2006, 23:36
Mine are still wondering what I'll do when I grow up. So far, this is my forth career and to date, the near enough the worst financial decision I've ever made. I got away lightly. It took three years and £40k to get a "proper" job. Flying certainly beats working for living, but can not be justified on economic terms. The wise money would be spent on a plumbing course or accountancy or a law degree. Deciding to spend money on flying training is an emotional spend and to be honest, is difficult to justify. But I think that my parents are proud of me as person and not for what I do for a living.

28th Feb 2006, 09:29
you pay your kids just to make yourself proud ,nice mentality!!!...15 years ago, it was the sport car,...

Posh boy
28th Feb 2006, 09:33
Blue licence so not atpl yet.
Are you really a320 rider or you'd like to be.
I am about to become an a320 boy, so you wouldn't mind if I asked you a specific question would you?
In fact I shall do that when you're on line.

Happy job hunting

Ari Pulsenne
28th Feb 2006, 12:48
That's remind me the time I was looking for my first pilot job. Some relatives used to tell me :" why don't you go the airport ! there is a lot of aircrafts there " ; " they must be hiring some pilots at the airport "; which I replied politely " thank for the advice, I have tried this one, and I will check the other one ":hmm:

28th Feb 2006, 15:14
My parents are incredibly proud of me, as are my whole family, and although i have nearly finished and expect to start job hunting soon, i have explained the situation regarding jobs to them and they are still 120% behind me, couldnt ask for any more!!

Just out of intrest A320 rider what licence do you have ie full ATPL or just CPL and how long have you been looking for your first job? (pm me if u so wish)

:ok: oneworld86

1st Mar 2006, 11:21
A320RIDER why dont you apply for a US green card.If you're lucky you will get US citizenship. convet your JAR licences to FAA ones and get a 20,000USD per year job with a US airlines or small regional operator or Fixed based operator.

YOU dont need a type rating to fly a jet in FAA member states. Only the captain has to be type rated.

A far cry - but an option none-the-less.

PS A big jet job doesnt need to come immediately. Rome wasnt built in a day. In this era of recuritment for low-hours guys, patients is the most critical factor. Consided a first step of instructing or flying mail for some postal company. Its not all about a job with an airline you know altho this is the end-goal for you i'm sure. KEEP THE FAITH DUDE:ok: