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View Full Version : THE NEAR FUTURE?

23rd Feb 2006, 19:44
ive bin doing some reaserch and i have come to the conclusion that as lots of airports will be expanding in a few years time and how new air technology has caused the overall drop in flight prices employment and sponsorships will begin again fairly soon?!?!?!?!!?
can u plz tell me if my assumtion is completly wrong and if i am am being a bit optimistic but don't go all pendantic on me plz:ok:

23rd Feb 2006, 21:28
The future is bleak in terms of fair sponsorship deals !

Sorry Mate

24th Feb 2006, 14:48
there will be no sponsorship, airlines can simply not afford to pay you for your training, or they have to increase flight tickets.
training will be more and more expensive in the futur. It has always been like this since aviation exists.
your best bet is to join the airforce or save 150'000$ to buy your training.

good luck!

Piltdown Man
25th Feb 2006, 14:46
There are already too many muppets paying for their training, type ratings and line training to make it very unlikely that any worthwhile sponsorship schemes will come about. However, if enough people refuse to pay for training and we prevent all non-EU operators from performing "flagging out" operations from the UK, then maybe you might stand a chance. And while we are at it, we should also kick out all the of those non-EU types who appear to be here "due to a lack of local skills."