View Full Version : AIDE-MOI SVP!!! (I NEED HELP!!!)

21st Feb 2006, 16:50
Bonjour, hello!
I am a student in England studying A Level French. I have been tasked to make a presentation about anything to do with France that must last for 10 minutes :confused:
I decided to do something about aviation in France because i am very interested in becoming a commercial pilot when i am older.
I was wondering if there is anyone who can help me find some info regarding commercial aviation in France, info such as:
1. Are there any low cost airlines in France, what are the laws regarding them?
2. I believe Air France is the national carrier, any key stats or interesting information on them?
3. What are the passenger figures for this year or last year, what are the trends with passenger travel levels?
4. What is the general vibe with aviation in France, do the French love to go on holiday, and if they do where are their favourite destinations and what is the preferred method of travel?
5. Is there a lot of pressure from French environmentalists/groups on airlines to reduce emissions, reduce travel by air?
6.Any other relevant or interesting information to do with French aviation?
7. Any good history regarding aviation in France?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Au revoir!

ATC Watcher
21st Feb 2006, 18:59
7. Any good history regarding aviation in France? :
Why not start here :
www.amazon.com/gp/product/0151970874/qid=1140551793/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/102-6067576-7796947?s=books&v=glance&n=283155 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0151970874/qid=1140551793/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/102-6067576-7796947?s=books&v=glance&n=283155)

21st Feb 2006, 23:57
hi arpansingla,

I am french student ATPL, and I have a question :

Why are you interested by a carrier in France :confused:

One, lot of french want to go to UK because it's better in unemployment.
Two, lot of french are looking for a job as commercial pilot
and Three, only Air France recruits.:ugh:

So, I think it 's a good choice if you prefers staying in UK...

22nd Feb 2006, 03:22
hi arpansingla,
Why are you interested by a carrier in France :confused: , lot of french want to go to UK because it's better in unemployment.

Well, with a level of English like yours, you wont find employment in the UK at this rate. I think you meant "career".
I'm sure arpansingla appreciates your terrific advice.

22nd Feb 2006, 10:35
Well, with a level of English like yours, you wont find employment in the UK:p Excellent.

22nd Feb 2006, 16:37
carrier = entreprise de transport aerien in english, donc la phrase de sam tient toujours la route.........:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

22nd Feb 2006, 20:09
ouais je voulais dire carreer...mais je n'avais pas trop envie d'éditer mon message. Puis l'anglais je vais le bosser plus tard, donc t'inquiète je deviendrai un jour fluent! à mon avis ce n'était pas inné non plus chez toi, on apprend toujours, et on a tous débuté un jour.
En tout cas ce n'est pas la première fois que je lis des gars qui sont en Uk pour revenir travailler en France...je ne saisi pas trop cette logique.

22nd Feb 2006, 22:18
En tout cas ce n'est pas la première fois que je lis des gars qui sont en Uk pour revenir travailler en France...je ne saisi pas trop cette logique.Euh, perso ce n'est pas DU TOUT ce que j'ai compris de son post. Quand il ecrit "I decided to do something about aviation in France because i am very interested in becoming a commercial pilot when i am older." ca ne veut pas dire qu'il veut venir travailler EN FRANCE, juste qu'il est interesse par l'histoire de l'aviation, et donc par la France vu que NOUS etions les premiers a voler le 21 Novembre 1783.

Quant a ceux qui ont un job de pilote "en UK" et qui veulent en partir, laisse-moi t'en presenter un: moi.

22nd Feb 2006, 22:20
Guys, are we going a little off-topic here :O ?

23rd Feb 2006, 08:42
Sam comme souvent jusqu'a present, ni tu lis ce qui est ecrit ni tu ecoutes ce qui est dit.

I am a student in England studying A Level French. I have been tasked to make a presentation about anything to do with France that must last for 10 minutes
Le gars doit faire un expose sur l'Aviation en France. Compris ?


Interestingly enough the second largest carrier in France, is Easyjet. The aviation market is still quite traditional, very much because the way we do business is not as open to all as in other part of the world (or Europe). Successful airlines exist but their lifespan and their expansion tend to be restricted by how much competition they generate in the face of AF.

As for our travelling habits, the main difference with the UK is in our geography. I won't go as far as saying that we are at the centre of the world ;) but our country is surrounded by some very interesting one and our roads, rail connection are pretty good.
Hence often, people chose to drive a few hours to find themselves in a foreign place rather than waste a long wait in an airport terminal. Basically when it comes to go away for a week end or longer, we have other options available.
Saying that, I believe the French really enjoy a winter holiday in the sun it is possible that we are more enclined to travel further when we travel by air.

All that not very scientific I am afraid, only my perspective. No doubt google will return better results than that.

23rd Feb 2006, 10:02
a ben vous voyez que je ne suis pas fluent lol :p non j'ai lu trop rapidement, j'étais fatigué, faut dire je passe 3 certifs dans deux semaines, et là c'est tendu!
Ouais donc je me tais.
Manflex je suis au courant, tu me l'avais en mp. M'enfin ta vu la situation d'AF...pas top:yuk: . Et AF est assez représentatif de la situation de l'aviation française...Pour nous les jeunes il nous reste que les cadets. Mieux que rien, mais on ne compte pas dessus on le sait. Donc ici, on est tous un peu sur les nerfs.:yuk:

23rd Feb 2006, 23:44
Guys, are we going a little off-topic here :O ?
nah, where merely giving sam.. a couple of lessons. I doubt his standard of english would render him able to qualify for uk's flag carrier; particulary in the verbal test section! :) :ok:
adieu, sam;)

23rd Feb 2006, 23:46
is is just me or is his level of french, mediocre; if willing to qualify for a position of cadet within his flag carrier? who knows!

25th Feb 2006, 12:04
très facile de critiquer mon anglais...
de toute façon ce n'est pas en France que j'apprendrai l'anglais, et je pars en 2007 en UK.
Sur ce forum il y a pas mal de crâneurs...l'humilité est aussi une qualité chez un pilote.
Enfin bon je le comprends, ça monte à la tête les galons( enfin, si vous les avez lol). Qui sais? si je reussis l'année prochaine les cadets AF (cool ça sera dans ma langue) peut être que je pourrai faire le crâneur à mon tour. Je croise les doigts!
On ne va pas faire un débats sur 'langlais, surtout qu'on est sur un forum français, alors les gars faites un effort c'est du français ici.
Je pense que l'on débute tous un jour, dans un apprentissage. Ceux qui ne comprennent pas encore, sont tout simplement idiots, pas top dans leur tête si bien faites.

25th Feb 2006, 19:05
is is just me or is his level of french, mediocre; if willing to qualify for a position of cadet within his flag carrier? who knows!

I would like to see you speaking french ,even flying in french. :ugh:

25th Feb 2006, 19:19
je pars en 2007 en UKCondoleances.

Sur ce forum il y a pas mal de crâneurs...Pourquoi "sur ce forum"?

l'humilité est aussi une qualité chez un piloteCa c'est vrai. Il suffit de passer en revue les accidents.

ça monte à la tête les galonsC'est vrai aussi. Mais ca finit souvent par redescendre. Il y a toujours plus grade que soi.

On ne va pas faire un débats sur 'langlais, surtout qu'on est sur un forum français, alors les gars faites un effort c'est du français iciExact. L'anglais devrait etre interdit sur cette partie de PPRuNe, havre de serenite pour francophones et -philes.

Je pense que l'on débute tous un jourUn peu ose comme theorie non? Tiens, je m'y essaie aussi: "On meurt tous un jour"... "Le soleil se leve a l'Est"....

26th Feb 2006, 07:20
1. Are there any low cost airlines in France, what are the laws regarding them?
2. I believe Air France is the national carrier, any key stats or interesting information on them?
3. What are the passenger figures for this year or last year, what are the trends with passenger travel levels?
4. What is the general vibe with aviation in France, do the French love to go on holiday, and if they do where are their favourite destinations and what is the preferred method of travel?
5. Is there a lot of pressure from French environmentalists/groups on airlines to reduce emissions, reduce travel by air?
6.Any other relevant or interesting information to do with French aviation?
7. Any good history regarding aviation in France?

Hi Arpansingla,
As you are going on for an A level in French :E please first receive all my admiration.
As you can also see, French people allways want to know who's the best before trying to answer any question or proove it...
To N°1: As far as I know there's no low cost airline in France as taxes on salaries and results do not give any chance to join this "liberal" private club. So may be can we accept the fact of having in France some low salaries Airlines (Talking of the net one). From my own point of view, low cost means well managed unless we are talking of low cost from a passenger point of view.

To N°2: This you can easily find on the Air France/KLM web site.

To N°3 and 4: You are not going on for an MBA nor for a business (and Marketing) plan so at this stage of your studies, stay simple...;) You can nethertheless find all these informations on the ministery of tourism web site.

To N°5: French environmentalists leaders are as good politicians in France members of the state elite club (called mafia in Italia or Russia) so there's no matter of environment if their bank's accounts are enough filled.

To N°6&7: I have a good information for you as it also concerns Airlines and industries in England but I am not sure you should take any risks talking of that. Just an indication: "Is Russian mafia investing in Europe through Island? Watch cases like Excel in England and STAR Airlines in France and the excellent chairman's history of Avion Group...":D

Good luck for your exam and may be see you one day in a cockpit :ok: