View Full Version : Spanish Flight Time & Duty Limitations

16th Feb 2006, 11:41

Can somebody please “decode” or explain the following Spanish rules and regulations to me.

Do you know how these rules compare with the British CAA CAP 371?

Where does one find the Spanish CAA “Flight Time and Duty Limitations” written in English?

CAA CAP-371 = http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/CAP371.PDF


16th Feb 2006, 14:43
This is the spanish version of the flight limitations for crew, if you need anything translated just tell me what part you need and I´ll translate it into english for you!


Artí**** 14. Tiempo de trabajo y descanso del personal de vuelo.

1. Las disposiciones comunes contenidas en los artículos 8 y 9 de este Real Decreto serán de aplicación al personal de vuelo en la aviación civil conforme a lo dispuesto en este artí**** y en la forma que determinen los convenios colectivos y la normativa en vigor en materia de seguridad aérea.

2. A los efectos de lo dispuesto en este artí****, se entenderá por:

Personal de vuelo: todos los miembros de la tripulación de una aeronave civil.

Tiempo de trabajo: todo período durante el cual el personal de vuelo permanece en el trabajo, a disposición del empresario y en ejercicio de su actividad o de sus funciones.

Tiempo de vuelo: el tiempo total transcurrido desde que una aeronave comienza a moverse desde el lugar donde estaba estacionada con el propósito de despegar hasta que se detiene al finalizar el vuelo en el lugar de estacionamiento y para todos los motores.

3. El tiempo máximo de trabajo anual del personal de vuelo será de 2.000 horas, de las cuales el tiempo de vuelo no podrá exceder de 900 horas.

Se incluirán en ese tiempo máximo aquellos supuestos que, de conformidad con el artí**** 8, sean conceptuables como tiempo de presencia y que se determinen en los convenios colectivos.

En defecto de convenio colectivo, sólo se incluirán aquellos supuestos en que el personal de vuelo esté a la inmediata disposición del empresario, sin realizar función alguna y en lugar señalado por éste, a la espera de la asignación de cualquier actividad.

Lo establecido en los párrafos anteriores se entiende sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el artí**** 8.

4. El personal de vuelo a que se refiere este artí**** disfrutará de un mínimo de 96 días libres al año, como descanso semanal y fiestas laborales, de los cuales al menos siete habrán de disfrutarse cada mes. Durante esos días libres, que le serán notificados por anticipado, el personal de vuelo no podrá ser requerido para ningún servicio o actividad.

Dichos días libres no computarán a efectos de lo previsto en el artí**** 38 del texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los Trabajadores.

5. Mediante convenio colectivo o, en su defecto, por acuerdo entre la empresa y los representantes de los trabajadores, el tiempo máximo de trabajo anual deberá repartirse a lo largo del año de la forma más uniforme posible.

6. Siempre que así lo soliciten, las autoridades aeronáuticas y los órganos competentes en materia de aviación civil serán informados de las actividades programadas del personal de vuelo.

7. El personal de vuelo disfrutará de una evaluación gratuita de su salud con carácter previo a su incorporación al trabajo y, posteriormente, a intervalos regulares, en los términos del artí**** 22 de la Ley 31/1995, de 8 de noviembre, de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, y del artí**** 37.3 del Reglamento de los servicios de prevención, aprobado por el Real Decreto 39/1997, de 17 de enero.

En su caso, lo dispuesto en el párrafo anterior se entenderá cumplido con la realización de los reconocimientos médicos periódicos exigidos al personal de vuelo de las aeronaves civiles para la obtención y mantenimiento de la validez de sus licencias, habilitaciones, autorizaciones o certificados, de conformidad con lo establecido en las normas de aviación civil reguladoras de tales reconocimientos.

17th Feb 2006, 09:09
I think I more or less got it!!

Hope it helps,

Article 14. Working time and rest of the flight personnel.

1. The contained dispositions common in articles 8 and 9 of this Real Decree will be of application to the flight personnel in civil aviation according to the arranged thing in this article and the form that determine the collective agreements and the norm in vigor in the matter of aerial security.

2. To the effects of the arranged thing in this article, it will be understood by:

Flight personnel: all the crew members of a civil airship.

Working time: all period during which the flight personnel remains in the work, to disposition of the industralist and in exercise of its activity or its functions.

Flight time: the passed total time since an airship begins to move from the place where was parked in order to take off until the flight in the hardstanding stops when finalizing and all motor.

3. The maximum time of annual work of the flight personnel will be of 2,000 hours, which the flight time will not be able to exceed 900 hours.

Those assumptions that, in accordance with article 8, is conceptuables as will be included in that maximum time time of presence and which they are determined in the collective agreements.

In defect of collective agreement, those assumptions in that will be only included the flight personnel is to the immediate disposition of the industralist, without making function some and in place indicated by this one, to the delay of the allocation of any activity.

The established thing in the previous paragraphs is understood without damage of the arranged thing in article 8.

4. The flight personnel to that east article talks about will enjoy a minimum of 96 days free to the year, as weekly rest and labor celebrations, which at least seven will have to enjoy every month. During those free days, that will be notified to him in advance, the flight personnel could not be required for any service or activity.

These free days will not compute with the object of the predicted thing in article 38 of the refundido text of the Law of the Statute of the Workers.

5. By means of collective agreement or, in its defect, by agreement between the company and the representatives of the workers, the maximum time of annual work will have to be distributed throughout the year of the possible most uniform form.

6. Whenever therefore they ask for it, the aeronautical authorities and the competent organs in the matter of civil aviation will be informed into the programmed activities of the flight personnel.

7. The flight personnel will enjoy a gratuitous evaluation of its health previous character to its incorporation to the work and, later, at intervals regular, in the terms of article 22 of Law 31/1995, of 8 of November, Prevention of Labor Risks, and article 37,3 of the Regulations of prevention, approved by Real Decree 39/1997, of 17 of January.

In its case, the arranged thing in the previous paragraph will be understood fulfilled with the accomplishment of the periodic medical examinations demanded to the flight personnel of the civil airships for the obtaining and maintenance of the validity of its licenses, ratings, authorizations or certificates, in accordance with the established thing in the regulating norms of civil aviation of such recognitions.

17th Feb 2006, 10:39
Thanks richiya

That was very kind of you :ok:

.............. So if I sum it up: :8

The maximum duty time of flight personnel will be of 2,000 hours per year. The maximum flight time will not exceed 900 hours per year.

Fight personnel will have a minimum of 96 days off per year, with at least seven days off every month. During these days off (notified in advance) the flight personnel will not be required for any service or activity.

What I don’t see are any limits on the number of sectors one can fly in a single duty period – Maximum duty period hours – Maximum flight hours per duty period, 28 day limits etc etc.

If one was flying a Spanish Aircraft using a JAA ATPL – where does one find these other limits. The JAR section Q has not yet been adopted by the various countries so it must be the Spanish CAA that defines these limits. If not, then it must be in the individual company's AOC that is approved by the Spanish CAA.

Confused over? :bored: What limits flight time on a daily basis in Spain? :mad:

21st Feb 2006, 19:56

Send me an email at [email protected] and I will send you the table sectors/landings/duty time.


22nd Feb 2006, 06:39

Send me an email at [email protected] and I will send you the table sectors/landings/duty time.

Thanks xabi200

But I think I have it sorted now:..................

Is this correct?

I believe that the max duty/rest limits for Spanish operators are published on (http://snipurl.com/msdm (http://snipurl.com/msdm)) DGAC circular 16-B. I think it is included in OM-A. Section 7. The OM-A should also specify the operator's specific limitations.


Duty Time: From Check-in (STD – 0045 minimum) through block ATA.

CHECK IN LOCAL TIME 1 Ldg 2 Ldg 3 Ldg 4 Ldg 5 Ldg
0700-1159lt 1400 1400 1315 1230 1145
1200-1359lt 1330 1330 1245 1200 1115
1400-1559lt 1300 1300 1215 1130 1045
1600-1759lt 1230 1230 1145 1100 1015
1800-0359lt 1200 1200 1115 1030 0945
0400-0459lt 1230 1230 1145 1100 1015
0500-0559lt 1300 1300 1215 1130 1045
0600-0659lt 1330 1330 1245 1200 1115

Max Duty may be increased by 0100 for Canary Is-Scandinavia sectors provided certain conditions are met.

DISCRETION: Max Duty may be increased up to 02.00 at PIC’s discretion.

SPLIT DUTY: Maximum Duty + ½ Partial ground rest (up to 04.00 increase).

HEAVY CREW DUTY: 1 Relief Pilot: Max Duty: 16.30 (regardless of check-in time).
2 Relief Pilots: Max Duty: 18.30 (regardless of check-in time).

DEADHEAD DUTY: Deadhead sectors after Active Duty max: 1800 (JK 1700).


NORMAL REST: Minimum = Previous Duty, with a minimum of 10.30 hrs.

MINIMUM REST: Normal Rest – 03.00 hrs. 10.00 hrs minimum

PARTIAL GROUND REST/SPLIT DUTY: 03.00 minimum May increase Total duty to Split Duty limits.

MAX FlIGHT TIME (2 Pilot Crew).

11.00 hrs Non Stop if duty started 0600-1459 Lt
10.00 hrs Non Stop if duty started 1500-0559 Lt

Concepts such us "acclimatised" or "contactable" are not used in Spain.