View Full Version : Headphone problem.

15th Feb 2006, 22:15
I have a Creative Audigy 2 ZS installed on my pc, and used to be able to use my BOSE quietcomfort2 with it. I just plugged it into the headphone jack in the front panel, and it worked. Then one day it didn't work anymore. Nothing changed with pc, but the headphones are not recognized. The speakers are not muted.

Any ideas?

Conan the Librarian
15th Feb 2006, 23:27
The usual "narrow it down" syndrome comes into play here. Try the headset on another PC to check (chances of failure are about nil, but at least you will know for sure) if they work there.

An old trick of mine, if there is nothing obvious in the device manager, etc. is to download a freebie alternative and there are many. Realplayer, Musicmatch.or your soundcard diagnostics, plus countless others If it works there, then your primary playback porg is having a wobblie. If not, it points more towards connections and sound cards. Then try another headset with primary proggie. With only a short lifetime, you can narrow things down really well and then let us know the progress report. There be Dragons here, so if you have done the above or similar, then you (we?) are much better placed to work on.

This may be revealingly sad, but by following a logical sequence, you know where you are and it can even be fun trying to find where it has all buggered up.

Oddly, there is a thread on JB at the moment, (Capt Cane?) Where no sound emerges from my machine or Hi Fi, so a voyage of discovery may be in order tomorrow night.


15th Feb 2006, 23:31
What Conan said, and
Is this a USB headset? I don't know the model number you quote.
If it's USB, then the diagnostic process is different from the process for a 3.5mm (or whatever size) jack plug connecting into a socket on a soundcard.

16th Feb 2006, 02:01
I have tried a whole bunch of different setups and diagnostic tools. They can't find anything wrong. I have tried the headphone on a laptop, and it works fine, and I have tried other headsets on my pc, and they all have the same problem.

The pc does not recognize that a headphone has been plugged in. It is not a USB headphone. I have tried to plug it in on the front panel that is seperate from the soundcard, and I have plugged it directly into the back of the soundcard itself. No difference. The sound continues to come from the speaker, and nothing in the headphones.

16th Feb 2006, 02:36
Typical consumer audio stuff has a cutout switch built into the jack. Higher end stereo items usually have a separate speaker on/off switch - and your sound card may doing something (or perhaps no longer doing something...) along these lines.

Maybe try asking a Creative Expert here:

Conan the Librarian
16th Feb 2006, 11:14
Occasionally, the soundcard mixer can throw a wobbly and either mute or uncheck the box for line out. Go to the mixer and check that first. I know it sounds daft, but I have been caught out over the years more than once.

Is the device manager showing any exclamation marks or anything in yellow, perchance? If not, why not try installing the latest drivers for the card? That might help too.


16th Feb 2006, 11:21
I'd put my money on the 3.5mm jack having failed in some way unless the card to front panel cable has become disconnected.

I've seen quite a few of these fail particularly when used with headphones.

They don't seem to be built with sufficient robustness to cope with headphones being plugged in/out regularly.

It could be repairable with a soldering iron if the solder joints have cracked. It can be difficult to source an exact match for the jack if it requires replacement.

Perhaps worth trying the manufacturer for a new front panel connector or a warranty repair ?

Conan the Librarian
16th Feb 2006, 11:56
It is also just possible that there is a software switch in there which gives the choice of internal speaker or external speakers through the soundcard.


16th Feb 2006, 12:32
On the quietcomfort 2 headset, there is a very small switch on the connector where it plugs into the headset. This changes the sensitivity of the headset.
Have a look at this, and see if you've changed it by mistake.
I don't know if it would make any difference, but it's worth a try.

24th Feb 2006, 08:00
if they are the noise cancelling headphones, after trying some in the apple shop - i think the noice cancel bit has to be switched on for them to work (not teaching you to suck eggs, but have you checked the battery on that bit!)

In the end - didnt buy those headphones, got some nice B+O form 2 instead :D