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View Full Version : Iraqi Airways Operations

12th Feb 2006, 18:18
This is to any Iraqi Airways pilots out there, concerning operations in and out of Baghdad.

How come is it that you guys -

Don't make any calls or listen out on 120.6 route frequency

Suddenly appear in the stack overhead ORBI and we've heard no radio calls from you

Do not remain within 3.5DME on the spiral, instead fly unpredictable racetrack pattern to some unknown distance out, then reappear suddenly doing some funny figure of eight thing

Don't have Mode C transponders

Or don't even have transponders

Take ages to descend

Crash through our levels when we are all spiralling in

Fly straight at us giving us TCAS RA's

Claim to have us in sight when we are behind you

Fly an extended downwind at low levels until you are out of sight only to reappear on a 10 mile final

Do not fly your assigned levels thus giving us TCAS RA's in cruise (I had one today from you, in IMC, cheers thanks)

Sometimes do not fly on the airways?

Please, guys, listen out on 120.6, and overhead ORBI the notams say do not spiral East of RWY33R/15L, remain within 3.5 DME of the ARP. The best way to do the spiral is to keep the other guy opposite you so that you can keep each other in sight as we climb through each others levels. Please, sqwawk Mode C, its not good having no altitude readout on the TCAS, and thus get TCAS TA instead of RA. Plan your descent so the other guy has time to vacate. Its bad enough there without having a planform view of a 737 so close that there's an engine in each of my side windows.



15th Feb 2006, 17:19
You forgot one :
Can't speak english.
As a result, can't make radio calls, can't read the Notams. The truth is I don't thing they give a dam anyway.
Be pragmatic AS.
They make a much better target than you, in that sense, they are welcome to fly wide downwinds and 10 miles final approaches. The next SAM7 will be for them, and NOT for you.
ORBI is not forecast to become a "standard" place to fly to any time soon. Jés, I don't miss that place.
I miss the Naï bar though... ;)

16th Feb 2006, 14:13
Well, fellas, quite frankly, it's their territory and you are the guests. I have found the Iraqi crews very cooperative, myself. Of course, I fly here every day.