View Full Version : Age retirement elswhere in the world?

8th Feb 2006, 00:56
I have just completed a search of Pprune on the above subject and was surprised to find bugger all! Maybe I used the wrong search words:confused:

So if anyone has any info on age retirement in, say Europe, USA and the Orient, I would be intersted. I did read somewhere that he JAA was going to
'force' France and Spain to except the EU rule of 63.

Thanks Chaps.:)

8th Feb 2006, 06:15
At the moment you can't fly as Pilot in Command in US airspace over the age of 60. This of course affects a number of airlines other than US ones.

9th Feb 2006, 01:33
You will find that the UK and most EU countries have 65 as the limit. France has to be different and I think Spain is also in that category.

The US is SLOWLY moving that way, only because the young fellows that control their union are delaying the implementation. However you will find that their have been recommendations from various committees to increase the age to 65. With so many US airlines in Chapter 11 and employees loosing their pensions there is further economic pressure on the govt. to increase the age limit.

Further if you look at the ICAO web site you will find Nov. this year is the plan to make 65 the age limit world wide. This will really upset the wannabe Capts.