View Full Version : PATS information

7th Feb 2006, 08:26
Anyone know this PATS - Pilot Aptitude Training System Course??? Anyone who has took it and tried the QFCPP can you express your opinion about them??? like is A$795 for a one-day course from 0830-1800 worth it? the content of it, the advices given by the person taught. Also I would like to know the instructor who is teaching the course, what qualification does he have? can anyone throw some light about it? thanks =D

8th Feb 2006, 00:23
Mixed reports, Hard to say if it will be worth the $800 or not. It cant hurt I suppose. The library has plenty of books on the individual tests if you want to try there first. :D

I dont think it matters if you are trying for DE or CPP the testing is the same.

8th Feb 2006, 00:39
just get the books and do it that way,
also go to www.shldirect.com and do the free practice tests with feedback, virtually identical to those given by qf
but don't focus too much on stage 2 yet, you gotta pass stage 1 first mate

12th Feb 2006, 11:55
Do the course, it is demanding but it works.

Most recent starts in J* and QF would say that. All the best, but what you have to consider is that ; do you really think people would say this course was good on a BB such as this.:eek:

12th Feb 2006, 22:53
Cost has gone up a little since I did it. About 400 bucks!
Very good in identifying weak points and some very good tips on how to go about the types of questions you will have to do.
At the end of the day its all still about how much effort YOU put in, course or no course.

Good Luck