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View Full Version : Is this for real!?!?!?!?! Pprune banner - helicopter pilot (female only!)

7th Feb 2006, 05:41
The Strategic Defense of the Environment Group, Inc.
is searching for female helicopter pilots to be on a 207 foot research vessel.
We will be extracting a pirate sunken treasure off the coast of Peru. And will
be on the seven seas. Robinson R44 Clipper with pop up floats aboard, with
helideck and helicopter garage. A pilot-mechanic would be a super plus,
but not mandatory. Please send resumes to [email protected]

Looks like total BS to me!:cool:

7th Feb 2006, 06:52
Sounds like a safe adventure 1 woman 100 men... hmm I can see why the requirement. :E :E :O :ouch:
Pirate treasure, I wonder if you get a wage or a commision?

Chippie Chappie
7th Feb 2006, 07:39
What are the odds that they're filming it and figure that a nice blonde will look better on the telly? ;)

7th Feb 2006, 08:14
What are you on about??? What advert??


7th Feb 2006, 09:18

Have a look in Jet Blast



7th Feb 2006, 09:32
Errrrr. I don't think Mods see exactly what you see...... Rose coloured glasses and all that.

I'll log in as ****** and have a gander!!

:} :}


Gnd Power
7th Feb 2006, 09:39
robroy and woomera
I'm sure I saw this job posted as a PpRuNe paid banner ad.
But, hey, nothing wrong with that , this post has me thinking about a few girls I see flying flingwing ....:ok:.:ok:..... to the point that I am now seriously thinking about applying for a deckies job on said research vessel.

7th Feb 2006, 10:02
Its ok your not seeing things, unless were all seeing things. :ooh:
Now my head hurts :} :confused:

Lord Snot
7th Feb 2006, 15:43
One of the mods, probably ********, is having a larf and trolling for some outraged spleen-venting.

It was pretty obvious to any seasoned troll.


7th Feb 2006, 23:30

I thought the original ad also said the applicant should own a tinny with an outboard and they were to send a photo of the tinny with the resume. :E

All jokes aside, I notice the ad came up on the "Reply To Thread" page as well as Jet Blast.

7th Feb 2006, 23:39
Just go into Rotorheads and refresh a few times, it should come up at the top of the page. There's also a thread in Rotorheads called "Question for the girls" http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=209978 where I asked almost the same question - would any of them actually take it seriously?

8th Feb 2006, 01:32
As I type out the this reply it is in the banner at the top of the page. I clicked on the link and it just opened up the email address shown in the advertisement. Must have lots of credibility as a 'group' to have an aol email address! :rolleyes:

Additionally, a google search give you nothing except links to Department of Defense (sic) stuff in the US. The symbol they use on the side looks a bit like the 'germ' symbol in one of those new wave ET 'invasion' type shows that are floating around at the moment.

The Strategic Defense of the Environment Group, Inc.
is searching for female helicopter pilots to be on a 207 foot research vessel.
We will be extracting a pirate sunken treasure off the coast of Peru. And will
be on the seven seas. Robinson R44 Clipper with pop up floats aboard, with
helideck and helicopter garage. A pilot-mechanic would be a super plus,
but not mandatory. Please send resumes to [email protected]

8th Feb 2006, 02:00
is searching for female helicopter pilots to be on a 207 foot research vessel.
We will be extracting a pirate sunken treasure off the coast of Peru. And will
be on the seven seas. Robinson R44 Clipper with pop up floats aboard, with
helideck and helicopter garage. A pilot-mechanic would be a super plus,
but not mandatory.

Now I see it:eek:

Arrrrrrrr, me mateys, arrrrrrrrrr:}

Woomera (Eastern States)

8th Feb 2006, 05:09
When they are not flying they can make dinner. :hmm:

8th Feb 2006, 05:19
and after that, they can iron my shirts.:}

8th Feb 2006, 06:21
If the person who put up the post thought they would attact female helo pilots, they'd better reconsider. Any ad that tries to bait sensible women in that way doesn't have a chance. And anyway, if, by chance (yeah right), it really is as good as it looks, it'd be on her terms, not the boys'. Female helo pilots aren't that common (and I mean that in both senses of the word...).

The real scenario:
Iron your shirts? As if! :hmm: Get back to peeling my grapes! :p

8th Feb 2006, 06:51
I'm assured it is a paid advert so I assume it's for real.

Maybe Hugh Hefner seeking new recruits!! :}


8th Feb 2006, 07:50
Female helo pilots aren't that common (and I mean that in both senses of the word...).
HAHAHA!...... Oh you where serious :} :ouch: :E :E

9th Feb 2006, 00:15
Arrrggghhhh me maties,

Perhaps this is an advenutre for yours truly?!

This topic brings back many a mermory of me adventures on the high seas. Spend me life searching the oceans floor for treaysure chests and gold...lots of gold. But beware lasses. Do not go blindly into an expedition of this kind. For there are many dangers that lurk below the surface......twas a dark, foggy night when i saw the beast......it was twenty foot long if it were an inch........it had bright yellow eyes, gold like the sun............:suspect:

Let strong winds always fill your sails.


9th Feb 2006, 01:24
Do you by chance have an eye patch, a wooden leg and a parrot on your shoulder?

If so, I think I might have seen you recently in Brissy!

Pinky the pilot
9th Feb 2006, 01:53
Tinpis & Gaunty;You blokes got death wishes or something??:E
I would'nt dare make such comments 'cos if Mrs Pinky ever saw them.......
Oooohhhhh.....what a short biography my life would make!!:uhoh:

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

9th Feb 2006, 02:08
:hmm: .......Anyone know what Alby Mangels is up to these days?
Sounds like his sort of http://www.augk18.dsl.pipex.com/Smileys/boobies4.gif mis-adventure.

9th Feb 2006, 05:25
Maybe they want a female Pilot cause they are sick of having a guy looking for the golden rivet!

What a furry sight!:ooh:

10th Feb 2006, 05:04
It's changed! It's now:

The Strategic Defense of the Environment Group, Inc.
is searching for female helicopter pilots to be on a 207 foot research vessel.
We will be extracting a pirate sunken treasure off the coast of Peru. And will
be on the seven seas. Robinson R44 Clipper with pop up floats aboard, with
helideck and helicopter garage. A pilot-mechanic would be a super plus,
but not mandatory. Please send resumes to [email protected]

So, Strategic Defense of the Environment Group, Inc. - why not include your website in your ad? http://www.gentedelsol.org/htmls/sd/home.html

Oh and by the way, Alby Mangels is here - http://www.macbitz.net.au/safari/