View Full Version : Afrikaans Professional Pilot tread(sticky) closed?

4th Feb 2006, 21:22
Hi Danny,
The poll to check for professional Afrikaans poll is closed and it is not possible to register a vote. Will it be opened later for voting or is there a problem with the tread?
Thank you for considering our plight to keep Afrikaans going on your website.:ok:
Aviator609 (Another Afrikaans Professional Pilot South African and Australian ATPL (H), South African Comm (A) - 7000 Hrs Total Time)

4th Feb 2006, 22:00
I'm sorry; technical hitch; the poll will be opened shortly. Campfire is locked down for a cooling off period. I understand & sympathize with those aggrieved by this decision but I would sincerely ask the most militant of you guys & girls (there's too many to write to individually) to please back off; as has been said before; this is Danny's site & what he calls goes. Clearly, by his move in making this poll he is interested in canvassing the members as to how many Afrikaans speakers there are out there.

One thing is certain; this site has developed over the years - it was created for professional pilots by professional pilots. We've become huge; there are many varying aviation forums but there are a growing number of non-avaition forums or those for non-professional aviators. Danny has rightly identified this forum shift & he & some of the senior mods are reassessing the true purpose of this site with a view to getting rid of a number of side-line, non-professional-aviation related subjects.

All this to keep you in the picture; a number of us are working as hard as we can to resolve this issue. Please pull with us; don't shoot me in the foot. But finally that's your decision. Think about.


5th Feb 2006, 05:50
I agree with you that it is Danny's site and he has full authority over it.

I also know "The Campfire" has become a controversial issue with Afrikaans being used, but traditionally a campfire has always been a place where people in just about every country around the world ended up at some stage in their lives to shoot the breeze (chat and banter), relax, share experiences and jokes and chat about everything, not just flying issues.

According to me "The Campfire" gave us that VERY good balance in PPRune, where one could have forums where serious aviation matters would be discussed, the work hard part of our daily lives, but "The Campfire" afforded us the play hard part of our lives where one could relax and meet up and do the "shooting the breeze" thing and have a quiet laugh, before moving off to sleep.

Africa, being a third world continent, has many campfires and "The Campfire" forum being under the Rest of the world & non- English forums, just lead to a natural progression of speaking in Afrikaans, not on purpose to exclude anyone. It is as a matter of fact the only forum to my knowledge the guys have used to speak Afrikaans in, and in so doing respected the other users in other forums.

Being an Afrikaans speaking individual touring into Nigeria, I find many South Africans and Afrikaans speaking people of all professions scattered throughout Africa and also the rest of the world.

Afrikaans is our mother tongue, which has been said is very descriptive and colourful, as is the characters that speak the language, albeit a minority of your users.

Work hard, play hard is an international concept and your website has had all the right ingredients and that is why it is the best aviation forum based website on the internet and thus so popular.:ok:

I ask you please to rather increase your website, to include a "Die Kampvuur" for Afrikans users or allow us to continue in our mother tongue on "The Campfire" forum, than chase us away. I bet your decision wasn't based on the guys being malicious on the forum.

I am sure that just about every person involved in the global aviation industry has dealt with a South African professional pilot or engineer, either Afrikaans or English or Zulu for that matter, somewhere in his career and had many experiences and many things to say about us, albeit good or bad.

We are a fun loving nation, we are definitely colourful and we have made our mark in the aviation industry worldwide.

Your favourable consideration will be highly appreciated, regardless of what results you might find on the poll.

5th Feb 2006, 05:55
Great post 609. :ok:


Solid Rust Twotter
5th Feb 2006, 06:23
What he said....:ok:

Gunship Jnr
5th Feb 2006, 06:35
cle Danny this is from my father. he is banned and askd me to post this for him.

bye guns jnr

Danny you did not give me a chance to respond before banning me. I therefore make us of my son.

The thread that remains on Africa Aviation was threre in anger after PPRUNE TOWERS (Rob Llloyd) behaved badly and made us to feel inferior humans speaking a different language on the Campfire.

His arrogance against our language was and will not be taken lightly.

I have and never had any problem with PPRUNE until the stupid idea was taken to ban Afrikaans.

Instead of telling us - slow down or whatever - just a tad more diplomacy would have been nice.

So Jetdriver feels inferior because he can not speak the wonderful language and report this to the superiors.

Instead of getting a capable person you chose just to ban us. At least two of us has offered our services to help you out and we would have done it with pleasure.

To make matters more confusing you start a poll that was closed (just opened now) 280 hits and now it is only open ... so possibly 280 people trying to vote and it is closed. So much for democracy ?

I just voted (you did not ban me completey I see) and as it is now 10 is Professional Afrikaans Aviators and 9 is English ... makes you think doesn't it ?

Danny you banned me because I put a link on your web site re mine ...YOU and ROB said search for another one ... I just made it easy for you to get rid of us and for your failthful PPRUNERS to make an easy exit to another home. That is all.

Last but not least : If memory serves me correct : We only had THREE - yes THREE to a maximum FIVE threads on The CampFire ... 2 of them Afrikaans jokes and the other the Afrikaans kakpraat thread (talking sheit around a fire).

The latter thread was mostly about recipes of barbeques ... mate I am sure you where ill - informed by the " I feel inferior jetdriver" .

4 HP is and was a regular poster their and enjoyed it as he understands our culture and beliefs of sitting around a fire and talking k@k.

I say again : The arrogant post(s) of Rob led to some people feeling like they feel and therefore the responses you got on African Aviation after the Campfire was closed.

You will also find a thread with 55 posts of people regular readers that gave a thumbs up for Afrikaans.

Have a look at my PM's and you will find 4 from your own moderators giving us a salute ... makes you think hey Danny ?

We are not here to fight - we are peaceloving beerdrinkers. What we do not like is the absolute arrogance of people like Jetdriver and PPRUNE TOWERS for degrading our language and our people. We do not like that.

Go well and enjoy PPRUNE without my 8-9 years of contributions and cut's and pastes. For those that remain - please give them a little pleasure on PPRUNE - they are after all by far the most that grace the skies over Africa ! And a lot of them know what they talk about !



Captain Pheremone
5th Feb 2006, 06:38
Gunns and Aviator!!!!!...............Thats what I was trying to say:ok:

Gunship Jnr
5th Feb 2006, 06:38
after i voted (as a Afrikaans professional pilot) we had 14 votes and the english professional pilots was 11.