View Full Version : ME wannabee looking for advice

31st Jan 2006, 16:08
Can any one please help me with a few questions.
Im looking at coming down to the ME and have applications in with the 4 main players, I have 3000hrs with 2800hrs on the B737800. I know Emirates require 4000hrs totaltime but I have heard they may be going to drop this down soon, is this true, also will Etihad only take type rated guys, or again is this dependent on the day they pick up the cv.

I may well have a gulf interview coming up and qatar have shown an interest as well.

Im not looking for lots of DONT COME DOWN HERE ITS RUBBISH replys just straight honest advice please, its where I see my self coming to for a few years, Im sick of working flat out in the summer and then not flying for 5 months get 11hrs a month if im lucky, I have read a few threads here and see you have the same problems that I get with my charter airline in the uk.

thanks guys.

31st Jan 2006, 16:25
You may like to try Oman Air. They seem to often be on the prowl for B737 NG drivers and you satsify their requirements with respect to hours. You should be able to track them down on the Net or someone else may know.

Good luck, anyway!:ok:

31st Jan 2006, 16:32
Thanks Atco.
ill have alook at them
I ahve to say I really want to change types, In my airline we have a widebody fleet how ever my DFO, told me last year that we cant move types so i would have to leave, then my new Cheif Pilot said I could change types but I would have to pay, as we can fill the seats with guys queing up to pay for there first job, so I get stuck on the short haul and these guys get shorthaul and long haul straight away and ETOPS and all the other stuff as well as earning more flight pay. I cant blame people paying to join but its not right and i dont see why I should have to.
:* :{

Left Wing
4th Feb 2006, 05:03
try CR Airways in hong kong they need NG pilots

6th Feb 2006, 16:39
Thanks leftwing, Ill look, I would really like any infomation about the gulf region as well. :ok: