View Full Version : echinacea

26th Jan 2006, 14:11
Just a quickie to ask if anyone has evidence for/against using ECHINACEA to try and combat colds etc.

In nearly a year of flying, I've noticed I've suffered more colds/throat, nose, ear problems than ever before, and some have suggested echinacea as a good preventative.

26th Jan 2006, 14:20
Hi flygra
I know what you mean about colds i have found the same and have to go of sick each time i catch one as my sinuses and ears completely block and I have done some damage to my eardrums flying like this. So I take echinacea and i do think it works, if you take it solidly for 2 months then have a couple of weeks break.
It surely cant do you any harm unless you never have a break from taking it, which may cause your body to get used to it and it wont have the same effect.

26th Jan 2006, 15:08
Thanks Suki

I have the same problem after flying with a cold a few weeks ago. My sinuses still seem to be giving me problems. Plus I'm suffering again with a cold now.

I'll give the echinacea a go, and like you suggest, have a break from it every now and again. Hope it'll help.

I think also maybe trying to avoid trips to frozen places during the winter months might help ... it's no fun opening the doors to be hit by a blast of minus whatever degrees after a warm and cozy 4hour flight.


26th Jan 2006, 16:11
The was a report about it in a paper on wednesday. The study showed that while Echinea does not do a great deal to prevent the colds, it did lessen the effects of and shoten the time of your cold. I personally find that when I can feel an illness coming I use vitamin C and also Zinc.

26th Jan 2006, 18:57
I take vitamin c, zinc, multi vitamins and ecinacea for 2 wks on and 2 wks off and I definately recommend it. I rarely get sick anymore and when I do, I can fight it off in a couple of days. I also drink an actimel everyday but I can't confirm that it makes you feel as orgasmic as the woman in the advert!

KTP xx :ok:

26th Jan 2006, 19:00
Vitamin C is pointless, but Zinc and B12 are good immune boosters.

If you feel that your getting a cold, get some ginger, grate it, put it in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Leave it for 5-8 mins, then drink the tea. Always works.

26th Jan 2006, 20:46
Differnt things work for different crew - I always recommend Green Tea (get it from your Tea and Coffee box if doing Japan flights) or easily purchased at your supermarket.... Also recommend lots of room temp/tepid water with lemon in, or as mentioned vitamin c, ecinacea or multivitamin will help you deal with the usual common colds.....

But in all honesty, and I know you dont want to hear this - EXPERIENCE will be the most helpful thing in fighting common colds/flu!!! Over time, your immune system will become stronger and you will find it easier to fight the basic common cold etc :ok:

Good Luck!!!

(oh PS I find Jack Daniels is very effective in fighting the usual illnesses - maybe because I am an alcoholic, who knows? :E )

26th Jan 2006, 21:32
keeping hydrated as much as possible, and eating a good diet, we like to think that because we're flying its hard, its not we're lazy!
Take a smoothie in a thermos, nuts and rasins in a tub, bananas, even lettuce in a sandwich counts towards one portion of veg!

I used to take vitamin suppliments quite regularly, but it caused more problems than it solved, and after having blood work done told not to take anymore! Little doses now and then when your run down perhaps, but the long term effect of taking these daily havent been proved, all i know is it didnt agree with me, and since ive stopped taking them, reduced caffine intake (lots more fruit teas and hot chocolates), and more healthy eating, im doing better than ever and survived this winter with out a cold.......so far :hmm:
My best cold fighting remidy is lemsip and a shot of whisky! back on your feet in no time.......slightly hungover perhaps but hey!

1st Feb 2006, 10:35
Thanks everyone ... all very helpful points and info.

1st Feb 2006, 10:49
I'm not a pill-popper of any kind, but someone told me that echinacea gives a temporary jump-start to your immune system, the best way to use it is in a double dose at the very first sign of a cold. Her advice was that continued use served little purpose.

I've used it that way a couple of times this Winter (two tablets at bedtime, two the next morning, then no more), and in both cases the symptoms went away.

1st Feb 2006, 20:45
Load up on echinecea, vit. C and even some sought of multi vitamin, ever tried melatonin? I find it helps really well when you are sooo tired, better quality of sleep.

2nd Feb 2006, 00:17
Agree with The SSK. The advice I was given was leave echinacea alone, and at the first sign of a cold, get on it. I used to have colds that could last a month, with echinacea, I feel like death for about two days, and it's all over in a week. Great stuff.

Have heard that echinacea and zinc is the best combination. Anyone tried it?


5th Feb 2006, 15:01
I guess that cold remedies are important whether you're flying or not. Zinc is very good for helping to relieve the symptoms both as they first appear and later into a cold, but make sure you take it after food, otherwise you'll feel very sick.

Everyone is different, so if vitamin supplements work for you, don't be put off by what others say. I take Vit C with Zinc on a daily basis and have done for years. I've had no ill effects and I now hardly ever get a cold, whereas prior to taking them I was always coming down with one. However, this might not work for everyone.

I know you've all been told this over and over again, but when you're flying take on loads of fluid such as water and non fizzy fruit drinks. This, as well as a diet rich in fruit and veg, will help fight off a cold in the first place.

The demon drink............I know I'm talking to cabin crew here, many of whom, like a drink or two.........will make you more likely to succumb to colds.

But you knew all that latter bit didn't you.:D