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View Full Version : passenger with class 2 diabetes.

25th Jan 2006, 18:46
Hi all what if any precautions would I need to take if I were to carry on a regular basis a guy with class 2 diabetes in an open cockpit flexwing microlight, he was out with me last sunday waiting for the wx to clear {it never did} standing around in the cold and went a bit his words jelly like, just wondering if it would be safe for him to fly with me, unfortunately I know nothing about diabetes.

Regards Nick.

Old Smokey
26th Jan 2006, 03:50
My daughter has diabetes, she had to give up flying (as a pilot) because of it.

The greatest short term danger is hypoglycaemia ("the hypo"), low blood sugar, where, amongst other things the person can become very irrational, and might want to go for a walk in the midst of the hypo, not advisable in an open cockpit aircraft. The best advice is to have your friend 'carb up' a bit before the flight, and carry a good supply of quick acting glucose, e.g. Jelly Beans, with them. If they appear to be acting a little strangely, tell them to have a few Jelly Beans, no arguments allowed.

Hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar) are a danger to the sufferer's own long term well being, but not for the duration of the flight.


Old Smokey

got caught
26th Jan 2006, 08:26
If your passenger is controlled by diet or tablets alone, its unlikely, (but not impossible), that his slurred words were caused by his diabetes, and perhaps he should report these symptoms to his doc, for a re-assessment.

He may find it useful to monitor his blood sugars regularly for a period before flying, his diabetic/practice nurse may be a useful port of call.

26th Jan 2006, 20:31
Many thanks guys I will have him read these posts.
