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View Full Version : I'm writing a book - submissions requested!

19th Jan 2006, 22:30

So I have been bantering the thought about in my head for a few years, and when I was in the shower a few minutes ago I decided I am going to write a book regarding flying. I know its been done before, but not by me - I am not expecting to sell millions of copies, I am not expecting a worldwide bestseller, however I am hoping that people in our industry would be attracted by it.

Essentially its going to be a one year diary/blog kinda concept - think Bridget Jones Diary meets aviation, however its not just a diary - it will have running characters, themes etc. This is where I need your help! I have a very active imagination, but even I cant imagine/invent/remember enough flying related experiences to write a book that runs over the course of one year.

What I am asking for is submissions - stories that you think would go well in a flying-related book. They can be about ANYTHING - flights you've done, destinations, downroute restaurants/bars (the Truck is definately going to rate a few mentions!), room parties, crew you have flown with, arguments, romances, crew meals, 'dalliances' ( :E ), technical problems, inflight medical emergencies, diversions, SEP training courses & refreshers, aircraft types you have flown on, crew you have loved, crew you have hated, rostering, your managers, onboard antics, catering problems, crew rest - the list goes on and on!

Its going to take a long time to compile this info and then turn it all into a story, but your submissions will help. There will be no royalties paid should it ever get published, however all contributors will recieve a free copy. ALL stories will be 100% de-identified, and any clearly identifiable stories will be edited/omitted.

I know it sounds umm Optimistic right now to say the least - but I have wanted to do this for a long time and why not start now?

Please email [email protected] with anything you would like to contribute

Thanking you all in advance! :O :D

20th Jan 2006, 00:47
Hi darl,
(I've considered doing this myself!) I think a comedy/memoir would be a huge hit.
If you make your first million, let us know! ;)

21st Jan 2006, 09:07
Feel free to use my endless attendance at Emirates open days!! I'm sure there's room for a sad spotter-turned-hostie-wannabe in there somewhere..! :E

Seriously though, I have some doozies... have written about them in a journal on my home PC... if I can get some time I'll find the funnier ones and pass them along...

Do you need someone to do some artwork??? ;)