View Full Version : Helicopters in Ancient Egypt?

16th May 2001, 00:01
Just thought I'd start a completely different thread! What's a helicopter doing on an archway in a temple in Abydos? Have a look here.....



[This message has been edited by paco (edited 15 May 2001).]

16th May 2001, 00:29
I have to admit it, you caught me for time travel. :)

I can agree the first one looks like a heli, but his ridiculus star wars comparison to non-existent imaginary technology is lunacy.



Lu Zuckerman
16th May 2001, 00:42
It may indicate that helicopters have been around for thousands of years but the empty area under the main rotor indicates that they were non operational because this helicopter does not have a fuel tank. The reason for that is that hydrocarbon fuels were yet to be conceived thousands of years later.

The Cat

Cyclic Hotline
16th May 2001, 00:44
It is a Kaman K-Max, it is simply the perspective that does not reveal the mass of blades up there.

The construction of the Pyramids is no mystery to those of us in the know, as the whole thing was put together with helicopters.

I believe there is a very similar project going on today in Taiwan, building a dam! ;)

Incidentally, helicopter technology was imported by the Eqyptians, (for as any fule no), the Lycoming T-53 engine was invented by stone-age man, immediately following the discovery of the wheel......

collective bias
16th May 2001, 07:39
PACO. Please e-mail me at [email protected]
It may be a Kamov instead of a K-max....

18th May 2001, 13:49
Were any of you involved in the construction of the pyramids during your time travels?
I do believe that the C18 has been around a very long time but surely they weren't still using Lycomings were they.
Also if they could build the pyramids with them then why are loads so pathetic now?
Were they also using extra special super light alloys that we have yet to invent...
There are just too many questions but
The other picture is a tank not the Enterprise.

No no, I said I want a land job!

18th May 2001, 18:00
The pyramids are actually large cubes that dropped out of the sky (you can't see the bottom half). They were used for keeping the beer cool.

I didn't help build them, but I was on fire piquet when Rome burnt down, after being mess waiter at the Last Supper....
