View Full Version : CAP 741 - Sample?!

12th Jan 2006, 10:31
CAP 741 is the LAEs logbook, which was availible for download on the CAA site for free....well, it was, and still is, great for downloading the "official" logbook, and in particular, printing out the Experiance sheets every now and again as they are required.

But today; http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/CAP741.PDF
It seems the CAA have decided to write SAMPLE accross it, meaning you can't print it, and I am assuming, you now have to pay for this document :(

Argh! Anyone have any information on why this has changed? I don't see any links on the CAA site talking about having to purchase it as opposed to just download.


aviation nut
24th Jan 2006, 16:19
Probably it's TSO thats been complaining that they can't sell any copies of CAP741 if the CAA have a freebe on their web site.

if u want a copy pm me i could email you a copy of the pdf file without the "sample" watermark across it.(it's 420kB)


24th Jan 2006, 23:48
Thanks dude......had a carbon copy of this post on Airmech and a few of the lads send the document over in Word format....if you could send the PDF that'd be great!

[email protected] :ok: