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12th Jan 2006, 10:13
Does anyone know if Robbie Robinson is still a DE? His name is no longer on the CAA list.


12th Jan 2006, 15:25
Robbie did a mate of mine's renewal last month. Bloke din't get locked up as he walked into CAA so I reckoon oom Robbie is still legal ;)

12th Jan 2006, 15:28
Does anyone know if Robbie Robinson is still a DE? His name is no longer on the CAA list.

Sjees part of the furiniture "old Robbie" :E

12th Jan 2006, 15:33
Ja, they probably couldn't put Robbies licence number and phone number on the webpage cuz they're in roman numerals :=

Beta Light
12th Jan 2006, 15:38
Hmm, this is the guy who in the 1980's had a failure rate of 98% while he tested for D.C.A. But now that he get big bucks for a test he pass 5 guys on a weekend??
Makes you think doesn't it?

12th Jan 2006, 16:39
At least Robbie rocks up for his tests. Picture this, initial twin comm IF test, nervous ppl guy all dressed up, flight bag full of briefing notes, done all his homework, stolen/borrowed an aeroplane for the big test...and the DE doesn't pitch. Apparently this isn't the first time either. Sitting on the couch at the flight school the other day and some poor dude had been waiting 5hrs for The Man to arrive. Maybe he was too busy? Anybody else have a similar experience with a certain ex cheetah/737 driver from spoories?

ou Trek dronkie
12th Jan 2006, 16:43
RR is STILL at CAA ???

You got to be kidding !!!

(Just kidding Robbie)


Woof etc
12th Jan 2006, 20:23
''Let me tell you about me, my boy.''

Beta Light
13th Jan 2006, 00:56
Ou Trek Donkie, he was given the "Trek Pas" at C.A.A.

Yes Woof, he is Hot, if you don't believe me, ask him, he'll tell you.

13th Jan 2006, 01:17
Plenty comes to mind, here is one of them:

"Laaities, van n$#! weet julle alles, maar van vlieg, weet julle V%#$@!"

Isn't that riiight my Boy!

Romeo E.T.
13th Jan 2006, 15:25
RR is flying for Safair, on the Boeing fleet, not sure if it is B727 or B737. Seems to be reasonably high up on the "pecking order/Ivory tower" at Safair. He was present at a mate of mine's interview for a job.

Exhaust Manifold
13th Jan 2006, 16:45
He's on the B727.

"Nou's ek die d**S!"