View Full Version : Some help with final preparation please.

oliver moore
9th Jan 2006, 13:42
I'am currently in the process of joining the FAA as a pilot, if all goes to plan.
Have had my initial interviews and done plenty of reading up on the RN concerning current and recent operations, ships, subs, aircraft and weapons etc..
I have also bought an IQ and Psychometric testing book to give my brain a bit of a wake up call, as my current job being a postman dosn't really stimulate that area of the body.
Will be going for my FAT's at cranwell soon and as these tests are my stepping stones towards my goal, I obviously would like to be performing at my best. Tried searching this form but couldn't find anything, think either the search engine isn't working correctly or many posts have been removed.
If anyone has any practice questions, FAT,relavant speed/distance/time,
or any that may help me in my prepartation. Or any hints,tips and/or recommended books it would be much appreciated. I have searched google for flight aptitude test books but all publications that I have found are american. Such as "Military Flight Aptitude Tests (CliffsTestPrep S.)
Fred N. Grayson" has anyone owned this book? Is it any good for British/Raf FAT prep?
Thanks in advance.
Oliver Moore.

9th Jan 2006, 14:08
Preparing for Flying Aptitude Tests is largely a waste of time in my experience as most of the tests are testing for inate ability which is not impossible to train for, but tricky. Out of my 2 attempts I did much better on the second occasion having done minimal prep and just relaxing. You will see people in the break room at Cranwell sweating and shaking like their lives literally depend on it - relax, you're applying for a job, if you're not up to standard there is nothing you can do about it.

If you search propely on the Web and this forum you will find the exact list of tests that are administered so I wont list them. In general, from my two attempts at FAT's I'd say the following.

For the Hand-to-eye coodination tests you can't really improve your natural ability, more ensure that you arrive at Cranwell on 'top form'. To do this I reccomend Microsoft Combat Flight Sim or such like and practise locking onto an enemy fighter in a Spit and keeping it in the cross hairs as best you can. It's can be quite fun!

For the Maths ensure that your Speed, distance and time calculations are spot on and able to produce a rough answer reasonably quickly. This IS something you can make sure you are excellent at before you go. There is a reasonable amount of this.

Above all, and to reiterate my earlier point - Relax.

9th Jan 2006, 14:40
Get a couple of good night's rest, stay off the booze and drink plenty of water to get the most out of your brain.

Good luck!

9th Jan 2006, 14:42
And if you've not already done so - start the New year with your new fitness programme - fit body = sharp mind :8

oliver moore
12th Jan 2006, 21:57
Thanks mate your response is much appreciated. It actually takes the stress off a little knowing that it's a case of natural ability. You can spend alot of time trying mostly in vain to find books/info, as you say RELAX and make sure the maths is very good.


12th Jan 2006, 22:35
Not sure I agree with widger.... I think one or TWO beers max the night before with the people you'll be testing with is a good way to relax.

Play flight sim and understand what the six primary flight instuments are telling you... there are tests dedicated for observer and pilot roles and a sound knowlegde of the gauges will help!

Visit www.ebaumsworld.com and reference the games page.... a couple worthy of note are called 'autobahn' and 'squares'. They are the sort of things you'll be up against at OASC. And do simple mental aritmatic ie times tables.... I was asked 2 x 2 on one occasion!!

Good Luck :ok:

A Note to the old (or not so old like me) and bold..... AIB Changed significantly in Jan 2005.... so its not like when we did it.... No current affairs for example! Ollie, ask me about it whan you've passed FATs!

12th Jan 2006, 22:40

Disclaimer: I went to the pub tonight.

They encourage you to go and bond at the pub. But there was no way i was getting pissed then performing with a hangover the next day...

For useless info:

Trust Fanois

oliver moore
13th Jan 2006, 11:39
Cheers "fireflash" for your help much appreciated, just stick to a couple of pints of the light stuff heh!,well the night before that is.:D